07. Homework

The general policy in the Middle School is that students are not assigned more than one-and-a-half hours of homework each day. (There may be exceptions, of course, such as when exhibitions or special projects are coming due.) Most work is done in class, so you should not be going home bogged down with homework.

If an occasion arises when you do not have time to do your homework, your parent or guardian should send an email or write a note to your teachers. Your teachers will be understanding and will give you time to make up the assignment (though there may be penalties for late work).

Please tell your teacher if you are unable to do an assignment because you don't understand it or are confused about what is being taught. The teacher will talk to you and will look into methods for re-teaching the confusing material. Please do not ask your parent or guardian to do the assignment for you, or teach you the process or content. Teachers need to know what you are struggling with in order to teach and evaluate your work appropriately.

In Middle School, teachers allow class time for you to write down your assignments. We strongly encourage you to develop this habit of writing down your assignments each day to be sure you are completing your work correctly and on time.