06. High School Exhibitions

You will present one exhibition each quarter for your morning module class. To help you in this process we offer The New School Writing Handbook, and Exhibition Handbook (available on our website) and your teachers will go over important areas of them with you as needed. The purpose of these guides is to help you prepare a successful, quality scholarly writing paper and exhibitions. Your morning module teacher will also guide you in achieving specific benchmarks toward the final exhibition or paper.

You will answer the Essential Question of the class and demonstrate your understanding of the coursework around which the course was designed. You must be able to defend your statements and respond to questions from the audience. You will learn and demonstrate your proficiency in specific research and presentation skills, such as: creating a research question, a working outline, an annotated bibliography, a bibliographic essay, a written abstract, a defense of your research, effective visuals, etc. Though this may seem a daunting task at first, your teacher and others are there to advise you.

During the final days of each quarter, students present their exhibitions and view those of their peers. Students are evaluated both on the completeness and accuracy of their content and on their presentation skills.

The second quarter exhibition requires a completed scholarly writing paper from all students in the High School, meaning students must compose a paper that effectively follows the thesis-support model. The type of scholarly writing paper will depend on your class.