June 12, 2017 School Board Meeting
Mount Pleasant Community School District School Board Meeting
Date June 12, 2017 6:00 PM
Mount Pleasant Community School District: High School Media Center
Mount Pleasant, Iowa 52641
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Citizen Comments
5. Approval of Minutes, Claims, Financials
6. Reports
a. Administrative Reports
i. Potential Southeast Conference Expansion – Scot Lamm, Activities Dir.
ii. Information on Property/Casualty, Workman’s Comp. Insurance Renewal – Mike Vens, Gamrath-Doyle-Vens
iii. Buildings and Grounds Update – Mark Porth, Dir. of Buildings and Grounds
b. Administrative Services
i. Superintendent’s Report
1. Revenue Purpose Statement Extension
2. Negative Lunch Balance Procedures for Handbooks
4. AEA PD Online
c. Board Committee Reports – no Committee meetings held in June
i. Finance
ii. Site
iii. Policy
7. Other Board Communications – School Board Election information
8. Consent Items
a. Personnel
9. Unfinished Business
a. Summer committee meetings/work sessions
10. New Business
a. Consideration of Property/Casualty, Workman’s Comp. Insurance Renewal
b. Consideration of District practice to offer secondary credit to pupils in grades that precedes 9th grade
c. Consideration of giving secondary credit to pupils in a grade that precedes 9th grade for 16-17
f. Consideration of Bread Bid Renewal
g. Consideration of Milk Bid Renewal
h. Review Penny Sales and Service/Construction Fund
j. Consideration of Concrete Bids
k. Consideration of AEA Purchasing Agreement
l. Review Board Policy 401.14 Substitutes, with Recommendation to Post Notice of Intended Action
m. Year-end review of Superintendent job performance and goals (Closed Session)
n. Adjournment