Consumer Economics

Proposal to Replace the current Economics B course with Consumer Economics

Rationale for change: Enrollment trends in the Economics A, Economics B, and Financial Literacy Courses indicate students are avoiding courses centered heavily around economic theory unless central to their college plans. The current Economic B duplicates too much of the Economic A and Financial Literacy course for students to see its distinction.  This course would create a more distinct content offering by providing economic principles from the view of the impact on our lives as consumers, thus providing a perspective absent in the financial literacy course.  Additionally, this would provide a course that meets both a social studies credit and fulfill the Iowa Core financial literacy requirements for graduation.  Currently, if the student elects to take the financial literacy course, they still need to take an additional course in the social studies department for graduation requirements.



    Staffing: No increased staff - anticipated to balance student registration between current social studies and business department allowing more offerings in the business department

    Materials: No text purchase - Current resources and online accessible materials would be used to support the instruction

    Graduation Requirements - Would not be required specifically for graduation, but would serve as the current course as an option to meet financial literacy requirements simultaneously with a social studies credit.