Tutor Status Change Options

When a new tutor is entered in LACES, his overall status will automatically be ‘Prospective.’   As the tutor progresses through his lifecycle with your program, there are some status updates that are automatic based on enrollments or assignments and others changes you make manually in the tutor record.  The business rules in LACES govern which status changes are allowed. 

Below is a list of each of the LACES Tutor status options along with the statuses that a tutor can be updated to from that status.  Please note that these are the default Tutor Status options in LACES.  Your agency may have hidden or edited some of these options or added other options.  If your agency has added new options, they are not governed by the business rules for status and we cannot guarantee that they will work as you anticipate.

The chart below lists the status changes allowable from each status option along with whether the change is one that is done manually in the Key Info panel of the tutor record or is an automatic update based on pair/group assignments or workshop enrollments.