Use the Custom Fields

Custom fields are available in the Student, Staff, Tutor and Volunteer records.  These fields are located in the Custom Fields panel under the Data tab in the record (Student Data, Staff Data, etc.).

In each area, there are 4 custom text fields, 2 custom date fields, and 2 custom number fields.

These fields are available for any data an agency needs to enter that does not have a designated field in LACES.  The Custom fields cannot be re-named, so if you choose to use these fields, you will need to decide which field will be used to enter what data and then make sure everyone in your agency is aware so the data entry is consistent.  As an example, if you choose to use Custom String 1 to enter information about the ages of students’ children, you will need to make sure that everyone in your agency knows that Custom String 1 should always be used for this data since the field cannot be renamed from ‘Custom String 1’ to something else.