Assessment not labeled as Posttest

In the Assessment tab of the student record, an assessment is labeled as the Pretest if it is the one used to determine the student’s Entry Level for the PoP and as the Posttest if it generates the Exit Level for the PoP. 

Even if a student has been posttested, he may not have an assessment labeled as the Posttest. This will happen if the student decreased a level when he was posttested. Because the posttest is not generating the Exit Level for the PoP, it is not identified as the Posttest in the Assessments tab. 

In the student grid, the Assess Status in Subj Area will still reflect 'Assessed 2+ this FY.'  If the FY Summary has been updated you can go to the History tab > Fiscal Year panel and double-click the FY Summary to see that the field 'PoP1 Posttested' (or PoP2 Posttested, etc.) indicates a 1 which means the student counts as posttested in the PoP for NRS reporting even though he decreased in level.