Assessment - Move Forward vs. Select Subject

Now that the Periods of Participation for NRS reporting are in place, agencies that report to the NRS should use the 'Move Forward' icon to the right of the assessment record when overriding the default assessment rather than using the 'Select Subject' box. There may be multiple 'move forward' options for a single assessment if a student has multiple PoPs, so the 'Select Subject' check box can't accommodate all available options.

Using Select Subject checkbox vs. Move Forward icon

To see assessments that have the 'Select Subject' box checked in the assessment record or that have had an assessment selected for the PoP using the Move Forward icon, use the All view at the Assessments tab.  You can also go to the All Assessments area and add the fields 'Select Subject,' 'PoP1 Select Subject,' 'PoP2 Select Subject,' 'PoP3 Select Subject,' and 'PoP4 Select Subject' to the view.

To see the Max Days to Move Assessments Forward setting in your agency, go to:

NOTE: Some agencies may not see this information, depending on the configuration of the client.