Column Header Filters/In Column Filtering

In-Column Filtering: Every column in a grid provides the opportunity to filter/search within that column. To filter, enter your search criteria in the blank space below the column heading, then click the filter icon. Select the option (Starts with, ends with, contains, Equal to, Not equal to, etc.) and click.

Tips for In-Column Filtering

How to Create an In-Column Filter

A simple example of in-column filtering:

Filtering by last name: Because Last Name is part of the default view in the student list, simply type the last name, or the first few letters of the last name, into the blank field below Last Name in the column. Click the filter icon to the far right and choose your search option (in this case- Starts With), then click Enter. Notice that the search tiles are displayed to let us know the reason our current selection is 4 students is because we are filtering by two tiles: current fiscal year students AND students whose last name starts with Brown. If we were searching for prior fiscal year students whose last name begins with Brown, we would want to remove the search tile for Current Fiscal Year, and could do so by closing that search tile, by clicking the white X at the far right of the tile.