Save a Search

After applying Search Tiles, you can use the ‘Save Search’ option to save the search for later use.  This can be helpful if there is a search you use on a regular basis, particularly if it involves the combination of several searches because they can be applied as a single search rather than having to do each search individually every time. 




Use the column header filter for Overall Status to pull up students with the status Enrolled (or Active depending on which is used in your agency).

Go to Searches > Hours > Hours Attended and use this search to pull up the students who have at least 1 hour in the current month.

Now, click Add Search and use the Criteria Builder to create a search for Gender equals Female.

You will now have 3 search tiles at the top of your student list. 

If this is a search you will need to use again, instead of applying the 3 separate searches each time you need them, you can ‘Save Search.’  This will allow you to save the 3 searches you did as a single search that you can select in My Searches.

Once you have saved the search an applied it, the three search tiles that make up the search will be displayed at the top of the student list.  You can then click the edit icon on any of the search tiles if you need to make an update to them. 

Saved Search Icons

-indicates that a saved search is shared with others.

- indicates that a saved search is composed of multiple search tiles.

If there is no icon, it means the search is not shared and is composed of only a single search tile.