Add/Edit Social Security Number

The SSN is included on the ‘Add New Student’ screen when entering a new student in LACES.  In some states, this is a required field and will be indicated as such with a red asterisk.  If your state has requested that the SSN field be required, you will not be able to save a new student intake without entering this data.

When you save the new student intake, the SSN is stored in the Identification panel under the Demographics tab of the student record.  In Legacy LACES, the SSN field was located in the header of the student record.  Based on client feedback, it has been moved to an area that is less readily visible when the student record is open to preserve the privacy of this data.

When you save a new student record, a row for ‘Social Security administration number’ will be added even if you do not enter an SSN on the intake form, but the ‘Document or ID Number’ will be blank if a SSN was not entered.

If you later get the SSN for the student or need to edit the existing number, go to the Identification pane in the Demographics tab and click the edit icon to the right of the row with the Identification Type ‘Social Security administration number.’  In the resulting edit window, enter the SSN and click Save. 

A student can only have a single record with the Identification Type ‘Social Security administration number’ so you will not be able to use the ‘Add New Record’ button to enter an SSN if there is already a record in place, even if it does not have a number entered.

To add another Identification Type for a student, click the ‘Add New Record’ button in the Identification panel.   In the Add New Identification Record window, enter the Start Date, Identification System Code, and Document or ID Number before clicking Save.