LACES Keyboard Shortcuts





Main Navigational Menu

Focus on the Main Navigational Menu

Move between areas

Expand ‘More’ menu

Select an area from the ’More’ menu

Open an area

Close ‘More’ menu

Alt + N

On the main menu (on the lighter green header row) the various areas are listed. Each area (except the Dashboard) has its own grid.

Once focused on the main menu, use the right and left arrows to move between areas. The area will be underlined.

Once focused on the ‘More’ area, expand the menu with the down arrow. 

Move up and down to select an area from the ‘More’ menu. The area will be underlined.

Open the underlined area.

Close the ‘More’ menu.



User Account Menu 

Focus on User Account menu

Expand User Account menu

Select an area from the User Account menu

Open a new area

Close User Account menu

Alt + U

The User Account icon can always be seen at the top right corner of the screen.

Once focused on the User Account icon, expand the menu with the down arrow.

Move up and down to highlight a menu item.

Open the highlighted area.

Close the User Account menu.



Toolbar (for example: Student toolbar)

Focus on Toolbar

Move right

Move left

Alt + T


Shift + Tab


Each area has a toolbar above the grid and below the main menu.

Move right on the toolbar.

Move left on the toolbar.

Expand a toolbar drop-down menu.

Move up and down to highlight a menu item.

Open the area or execute the action highlighted on the menu.

Close a toolbar drop-down menu.

Expand a menu

Select a menu item


Close a menu item



Help Panel

Toggle Help panel

Alt + H

Displays the help panel, toggle keys again to close help.

View Selector

Focus on View Selector

Expand the View Selector

Move down sections

Move up sections

Select view                           

Expand and Collapse Categories


Apply a view

Alt + V

Each area has a view selector which allows you to apply or create a view of available fields.

Display drop-down views list.

There are 3 sections: search section (1st box), view section (main, white area), view manager section (bottom, light grey).

Use to move up the 3 sections.

Use to move up and down within in each section to highlight your choice.

Expands and collapses the categories: ‘My Views’ and ‘Shared Views.’

To scroll the list of views beyond what is showing.

Applies the selected view or option.


Shift + Tab

PgUp / PgDn


Search Criteria (for example: default search tile and search options at the Student area)

Focus on Search Criteria

Move right


Move left


Toggle through operators


Alt + C



Shift + Tab

Space Bar


Each area has 3 search criteria options: Add Search, Remove Search, Save Search.

Tab to move right to the operator box, the edit pencil, and the delete X of each tile.

Shift + Tab to move left through the options.

Toggle through operator options (and, and not, or, or not.)

Execute highlighted option.


Focus on Search Selector

Move up or down

Expand and Collapse Categories


Move right in search window

Move left in search window

Expand a drop-down menu

Alt + S

Opens the Searches panel. Toggle keys again to close Searches panel.

Move up or down the list of search categories or up or down an open drop-down menu.

Expands and collapses each search category.

Opens new search window or executes a selected search.

Move right across text or drop-down fields within a search window.

Move left across text or drop-down fields within a search window.

Display drop-down menu items in a search window.



Shift + Tab

Grid (for example: Student area grid)

Focus on Grid

Move up or down

Check or uncheck highlighted rows


Move to pages on the grid

Move between grid columns

Move right across column search boxes

Move left across column search boxes

Expand filter menu

Alt + G

The grid contains the data for that area.

Use to move up or down rows on the grid or within a drop-down menu (e.g., filter menu).

Press once to check and again to uncheck.


Opens the checked record, executes a selection, sorts a grid column in ascending or descending order.

If the number of rows on the grid exceeds the page limit, page up or down to move to the next page of records.

Once at the top of the grid, use arrows to move left or right between grid column headings.

To move right across column search boxes. Sometimes you have to Tab after Enter when executing a filter option.

To move left across column search boxes.

Expands the column filter menu.



PgUp / PgDn


Shift + Tab





Record Pager

Forward one record

Back one record

First record

Last record

Alt + >

Alt + <

Alt + M

Alt + /

Moves to next record.

Moves to previous record.

Returns to first record.

Moves to last record.

Detail Record Tabs

Focus on main tab strip

Move left or right. Expand/collapse categories.

Move down

Move up

Expand/collapse a panel or Open/Execute

Expand a drop-down menu

Move up or down


Alt + A

Moves to the first tab in the student detail record.

Moves to the next tab or back to the previous tab in the detail record. Expands/collapses categories in a drop-down menu.

Moves down and through the panels and fields of a tab.

Moves up and through the panels and fields of a tab.

Expands or collapses panels. Open a record or new window. Execute an action.

Display drop-down menu items in a search window.

Move up or down an open drop-down menu.

Close an open window or dialog in a tab.


Shift + Tab



Add Hours Dialog

Select the calendar section

Select the classes section

Select the hours types section

Move right

Move left

Select date or Execute Command.

Check or uncheck rows


Alt + 1

Alt + 2

Alt + 3



Shift + Tab




Moves to the calendar.

Moves to the classes section.

Moves to the hours section.

Move right across a section.

Move left across a section.

To select dates on the calendar. To execute one of the green buttons, like ‘Add.’

Press once to check and again to uncheck the highlighted row. Sometimes have to move away and back first.

Close the Add Hours Dialog.

Data Chooser Dialogs

Focus on the data chooser

Check or uncheck rows

Move right

Move left




Alt + I



Shift + Tab



Moves focus to the data chooser (e.g., the calendar on the enrollment screen).

Press once to check and again to uncheck the highlighted row. Sometimes have to move away and back first.

Move right across text or drop-down fields on the data chooser.

Move left across text or drop-down fields on the data chooser.

Execute highlighted option.

Close the Add Hours Dialog.