Dear Students,

Exciting news awaits all of you who have a deep appreciation for the wonders of mathematics! If you find joy in exploring mathematical concepts through hands-on projects and creative problem-solving, we have an incredible opportunity just for you. Introducing our latest endeavor, the "PBL Projects on Math Topics" initiative! PBL, short for Project-Based Learning, presents a captivating approach that allows you to immerse yourselves in mathematical ideas while tackling real-world challenges.

Access Valuable Resources:

We have meticulously prepared an array of handouts and resources to support your PBL projects. These materials will serve as your compass, offering guidance, examples, and prompts as you venture into various math topics. Whether you wish to delve into algebraic equations, analyze statistical data, or investigate the fascinating properties of geometry, these handouts will prove to be invaluable references throughout your project journey.

Embark on a PBL Journey:

Embark on an exhilarating mathematical adventure by choosing a PBL project that aligns with your interests and pushes the boundaries of your problem-solving abilities. We strongly encourage you to collaborate with your peers, exchange ideas, and engage in lively discussions as you progress through your projects. Remember, PBL is all about exploration, experimentation, and uncovering the beauty and relevance of mathematics.

Share Your PBL Experience:

We are eager to hear about your PBL journey and witness the remarkable projects you create. Share your progress, insights, and final presentations with your teachers and fellow students. You never know, your PBL project might ignite a newfound appreciation for math in others!

So, don't delay any longer! Let the PBL Projects on Math Topics ignite your passion for mathematics and reveal the boundless possibilities that this subject holds in our world.

Get ready for a thrilling journey of problem-solving!


To access the project idea handouts, click on the images. 

10 Olympic Starters  

Attractive Tablecloths  

Big and Small Numbers  

Dangerous Driver?  

Model Solutions  

Small Steps  

The Not-so-Simple Pendulum 

What's That Graph? 

What's Possible?  

Where to Land  

A Case of Muddying the Waters

Representing Trigonometric Functions 

Proofs of the Pythagorean Theorem 

Solving Quadratic Equations: Cutting Corners 

Modeling: Rolling Cups 

Optimization Problems: Boomerangs 

Modeling: Having Kittens  

Modeling Conditional Probabilities  

Medical Testing  

Inscribing and Circumscribing

 Right Triangles

Geometry Problems: Floodlights  

Geometry Problems: Circles and Triangles 

Generalizing Patterns:

 Table Tiles

Devising a Measure - Correlation  

Math PBL Project Ideas


You can view the list above in spreed-sheet format from here