Task 10

TASK 10: Designing and Publishing Project Brochure

This will be graded by GRAPHIC DESIGN & MULTIMEDIA ARTS Teachers 


You need to use Google Chrome browser when you complete this assignment as other browsers will not let you to copy your download link for your brochure.

PURPOSE: Prepare a brochure/handout about your project for visitors to be used during a science fair, an exhibition or a presentation.

Here are 2 sample brochures: Computer Science (word format , pdf format) and Graphic Design and Multimedia(word format, pdf format)


Generate 2 QR Codes for your brochure



 Add the brochure download link to your homepage

OR you can Add a button You can add a button on your site to take people to another URL or page.

Check out this sample brochures  Link-1  ,  Link-2 , Link-3 ,Link-4 from previous years. 



If you are presenting your project in one of the STEM expos such as STEM FESTIVAL or I-SWEEEP public day, your teacher should print out enough copies of your handout/brochure so that you can  share that with the visitors.

Therefore, this assignment should be completed before the STEM FESTIVAL or before your teacher submits your website link to 2014 website contest (www.stemcontest.com).