Level I TASKs
PBL Level I General Information:
PBL Level I projects are designed as group/team projects. These topics are directly aligned to the core subject's curriculum.
Math, English, and Social Studies' students will complete one PBL Level 1 project in each semester (Total two PBL Level 1 projects per year).
Science Students will complete two PBL projects in each semester (total four projects per year).
Students will be required to produce a Video Presentation for one of the PBL projects completed in Math and Science class each semester. Students may choose to prepare a video presentation for other projects as well.
Producing Video Presentation in Social Studies and English subjects will be optional. However, teacher may include these as an extra credit assignment.
WeVideo is highly recommended for creating PBL Level I video presentation. This decision was made based on the following factors: The ease of use, seamless integration of WeVideo with Gmail and Google Drive, being an internet-based software without the need of installation, and the ability to work with Chromebooks.
Students should save these video presentation on Google Drive folders or upload it to YouTube for future reference.
Sample HS PBL Level I Video Presentations:
Algebra 1 Solving Linear Equations by Modeling STEM SOS PBL Level 1
PBL Level I Video Sample 1 Biomedical PLTW - This video only contains text and pictures, no narration. Students first created this as a PPT or Google Presentation then converted it to a video.
PBL Level I Video Sample 2 Physics - This video contains both narration and text. The student was the narrator and explained the details of the project. Also, he used background music.And this is the link(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5mkmfPVfo8) of the movie for the same investigation in a different format
Student Product 1: HS Science PBL level I Digital Report:
Please consider using Google docs / Google Presentation and Google Drive when you are writing and sharing your investigation reports. This will make sharing files with teachers much easier.
STEM, ELA and Social Studies teachers may provide a separate rubric.
Student Product 2: HS Science PBL Level I Video Presentation:
Use following rubric to create PBL Level I Digital Video Presentation for STEM Courses:
Video presentation must include text to explain each steps or voice narration. It should also have a soft background music. Create a Wevideo or create a PPT, then convert it to a video. It is highly recommended to post PBL Level I video to YouTube once completed.
These are the items required for the STEM video presentation (click here for the rubric
Title - PBL Level I video, subject, project topic
Introduction / Driving Question / Purpose / Hypothesis
Procedure, data or observation,
Analysis of results / science or math behind the project.
Conclusion / Closure
These are the items to be mentioned in the video presentation for ELA and Social Studies courses:
Subject and Topic (Title)
Driving Question
Project summary
Additional information about video production:
We recommend WeVideo (a cloud based video editing software) for production of your Digital Photo Gallery Presentations for the reasons mentioned above especially if you are using a Chromebook. We also recommend using Microsoft PowerPoint if you are going to use a traditional PC. However, students are allowed to use alternative software such as Photostory 3, Windows Live Movie Maker, or iMovie for their Photo Gallery Presentations.
Please find Video and Written Tutorials regarding how to create Photo Gallery Presentations through WeVideo (Part I & Part II) and PowerPoint in the next column on this page.
In order to use Windows Movie Maker, you may like to use following resources: Tutorial 1, Tutorial 2, Tutorial 3
Video capture is not required for Level I projects. Photos of project will be enough for the work produced. If students choose to have both, they are allowed to combine photos with the video capture of their project. Students may follow the content sequence of the investigation report such as purpose, procedure, observation, etc. In their Video Presentations.
In addition with the Google Drive, High School students can also use their YouTube Channel to upload their Video Presentations and share them with their teachers. Please be careful about making your video public. Do not make the movie public or even private. Use the following option; "This video is unlisted. Only those with a link can see it" when you upload your video to YouTube.
Level 1 digital presentations are photo gallery presentations in movie format.
You can add subtitles over the pictures or insert action movies into the gallery.
But please do not use slides of texts without any media (photo or movie), make sure you have related picture(s) for each slide.