TASK 2: Create a blank Google Site & share your account information with your teacher (Graded by Science or Math Teacher)
STEP 1: Create a blank Google site
Log in to https://sites.google.com/ with your firstname.lastname.harmony2013@gmail.com account. Do not use your harmonytx.org email account.
Click "Create a site"
Choose BLANK Template
Name your site in the following format:
hsa2013firstname(any 2 digit number of your choice)
http://sites.google.com/site/hsa2013tony02 or
Click on "Create" button.
Do not use the previous sites you have created. You need to start with a new site each year.
STEP 2: Share your site link with your teachers
Share your website with following teachers by using their email accounts:
-hsa.virtual.sci@gmail.com (choose the option "is owner")
-your Science or Math teacher's email.
-your Social Studies teacher's email
-your ELA teacher's email
Use the "Share" button located on the upper right corner.
Click Gmail icon and enter the teachers’ emails that need access to this account.
Email your site link to your Science or Math teacher (to whom is grading your assignment).
You mentor teacher will add your site link to school roster later.
Your Google site link should be similar to the following example:
EXAMPLE: http://sites.google.com/site/hsa2013tony02
Do not share the link with Google Plus or any other social networks
STEP 3: Invite your teachers to be owners of your site
To add owners to Google Site, click “Share” icon as done previously.
Invite the teacher(s) listed in Step 2. To make the teacher(s) the owner, click the drop box (where it says "can edit") next to the “invite people” box. Make sure to select “is owner” from that menu.
After that, click “Share & save” (bottom left corner)
STEP 4: Adjusting your Google Site for mobile phones
To adjust Google Site for mobile phones, click “more” button (next to share, upper right corner on your homepage)
Find “manage site” and click on that.
Scroll down to the "Mobile" section on that page, and check “Automatically adjust site to mobile phones”.
Click “save” on top.
Please use your work email (e.g. yourname@harmonytx.org) in order to edit student websites or write comments as a feedback. You need to login to "sites.google.com" to see/edit your students' Google Sites.