TASK 4 : Creating "My PBL Project" page - PART 1
This will be graded by Science and Math Teachers
You will create a “My PBL Project” page using instructions from Task 4, Task 5 and Task 6. Your final completed "My PBL Page" will include several components or subtitles.
ATTENTION! When creating this page, do not plagiarize! Use your own photos, movies, graph, etc. Be sure to take pictures and video during your project/experiment.
Creating a new page about your PBL project
Click on new page button at the top right corner of your home page.
Name your page as "My PBL Project" or as the name of your demonstration (e.g. "Hovercraft")
Select Web Page (default option) template to use
Select a location: Put page at the top level
Click on CREATE button at the top
You may start working on your page now
Make sure to click on SAVE button on the top-right corner after making any changes to your page.
Attention: Your homepage should remain blank until instructions are given.
Preparing content of your PBL project page
This "My PBL Page" should have the following content with these subtitles:
INTRODUCTION: Write a brief overview of your project. What is the main purpose of your project? What is your driving question? If it’s an experiment based project, add a hypothesis all
MATERIALS: List all of the materials, equipment, chemicals and probe-wares. Use bullet points for each item. Be sure to include accurate quantities, size or measurement used for each item. For certain items, you need to add units (e.g., 5 ml, 10g, and 10 minutes).
PROCEDURE: Provide step-by-step procedures for your project, model or experiment. It is highly recommended to list all the steps as a number list (1, 2, 3, etc.). Be sure to include measurements and quantities when appropriate.
SAFETY: Be sure to include all safety precautions that you will use to protect yourself (e.g., wear goggles, gloves, lab coats, and/or adult supervision, etc.). If working with chemicals (household or laboratory grade) be sure to list safety guidelines from the Safety Data Sheet information. When appropriate include proper disposal methods for chemicals and biohazardous materials.
At least five pictures should be included for this part. These should be original pictures from your project that might show materials, setup, process, comparison of initial and final process/results and/or observations. Click here for a quick tutorial on how to add images to your google site. Each picture should have text or caption that provide description of the picture. Be sure not to add photos that have a large image size and keep the photo’s original aspect ratio.
Some projects can be easier to visualize if an “Action Video” (see a sample video) is included. Discuss with your teacher and see if an “action video” is necessary for your project.
Title this new section as "Essential Understanding"
While always keeping your driving question in mind, identify the scientific/math principle or theories behind your project and explain how your project works by describing how it relates to those principles or theories. Refer back to your background research in TASK 2 and implement that information here to explain the science/math behind the project.
Title this new section as “Real Life Application” and write a paragraph explaining real life connection or practical application of your project. Think of some practical applications or implications of your PBL Project and use the following guidelines to help you write your paragraph:
Where and how it is currently being used?
How does it benefit our society?
What are some future benefits and application of this project?
Before you finish your paragraph, make some suggestions for further research to improve this project/experiment or the concept.
Ø All these titles and subtitles should be included on the same “My PBL Project” page.
Ø Make your page visually pleasing.
Ø All the contents in this page (text, procedure, pictures, video, tables and graph, etc….) should be your own original work.
Ø Continue to keep your homepage blank. This page will be updated when you are instructed to do so..