Task 10

TASK 10: Creating Home Page 

This will be graded by CS Teacher

1- Creating  Home page

2-Choose your homepage

3- Introduction - Copy your introduction from my   PBL menu and  paste it here.

Check out sample homepages

4- Driven Question - Copy your Driven Question from PBL menu and  paste it here. 

 5 - Video :  You will Insert your PBL video to the HOMEPAGE after completing task 9.

You haven't add anything to your homepage so far. Now it is time to add your PBL Video Presentation (Digital Story) to your homepage.

Check out sample videos Link-1  ,  Link-2 , Link-3 , from previous years.

6-  Brochure:  You will add your brochure download link to your homepage  after completing task 10

Note to Students: Remember to Change the name of your webpage and name it in this format; STEM SOS PBL+ Name of Project + 2015 . For example, "hsa2015tony24" is a wrong name for  website , "STEM SOS PBL - Hovercraft 2015" is correct.