Level III Task 3

TASK 3: Creating "About My School" page (Graded by SCIENCE or MATH Teachers)

Here starts the fun part! We are ready to start constructing pages for our Google Site. Your Google site construction will finish at the end of 3rd quarter. Once the design of the websites are over, we will organize a big website contest among all campuses just like last year with 5 different categories and great awards. If your website has a beautiful design and substantive scientific content, your teacher will register your website to the contest. Details are coming soon! Don't be late! Visit  http://http://www.stemcontest.com for more information.


STEP 2: 

Example: Harmony Public Schools  Correct

                http://harmonytx.org/  Incorrect.

"Harmony Public Schools: Where Excellence is Our Standard"

Harmony Schools blend: The highest standards and expectations,

A rigorous math and science-centered curriculum, and Engaged and Dedicated teachers and families, to cultivate excellence and prepare students to succeed in college, careers and life.

We are equipping Harmony Schools' students for college, preparing them for life and helping them achieve excellence, while making a positive impact on our community, our state and our nation. At the Harmony Schools, we are dedicated to creating an academically rigorous environment that nurtures students, expects excellence and helps all students realize their full potential. At Harmony, we believe every child can succeed, and we are committed to helping them realize their full potential At Harmony, we believe families play an important role in helping students achieve excellence and are an integral part of our school's community. A Harmony education fosters excellence as a life-skill, and opens the door to a world of opportunity. At the Harmony Schools, by focusing on math and science, we are developing the next generation of innovators and thinkers we need to succeed in the global economy and environment. At the Harmony Schools, we are leading the way in math and science education, so our children can lead our state and our nation in the future. At Harmony, we provide a safe, nurturing academic environment that expects excellence and prepares students for success in college and in life.

Harmony Public Schools is the recipient of Race To the Top District (RTT-D) grant in 2012. With RTT-D grant funds, Harmony is implementing a cross-disciplinary, multi-sensory, technology-enabled project-based learning (PBL) curriculum that integrates STEM, social studies, and English Language Arts (ELA). Researchers have documented numerous benefits of project-based approaches beyond the development of content knowledge: students learning through a project-based curriculum develop the ability to transfer their learning to new situations, demonstrate an increased ability to define problems and support their reasoning, and are better able to tackle conceptual problems than those taught with a more traditional curriculum. Through creative and innovative uses of technology such as video storytelling and web sites, Harmony students are publicly sharing their work both throughout the process and in a culminating capstone presentation, ensuring an authentic and meaningful context for deep student learning.

    Public Schools have developed a STEM curriculum that incorporates project-based and inquiry-based learning titled “STEM Students on the Stage (S.O.S TM)” with the Race to the Top grant funded by U.S. Department of Education with the goal of not only increasing students’ STEM knowledge and interest but also balancing student-centered teaching with state and national standards to promote success and investment in the learning process through PBL projects

STEP 3: 

STEP 4: (Optional) Once you are done with about  my school page, please support your school by subscribing to following YouTube channels:

You may also show your support, if you have a Facebook account. Please LIKE the following Facebook accounts:

Thanks for your kind support !



Written Tutorial


Video Tutorial | Alternative Link


Your teacher may grade your work them in by using one of the methods:

Grading Policy (Method 1): You may be assigned same grades as your assignment for Task 8 and Task 9.

Grading Policy (Method 2):Task 8 can be graded based on the content of your "About My School" page, and Task 9 can be graded based on the the layout and design of your page

The design of your website is very important. Please make sure to organize the information on your site. Don't have empty page and neither make it crowded with so much information.

If you want to make your site more beautiful, you may change the default theme. Use MORE menu on the top- right corner of the screen. Choose "Menu>Manage Site>Themes, Colors, and Fonts" option under this menu and to change your theme.  

Extra credit assignment (optional);

Construct one more page about :

1- Texas High School Projects


3- I-SWEEEP and I sweep stem expo public day

Find and add related links , movies and photo albums of previous years


If you have some technical problems about any of the steps above , seek help from your class mates who are good at editing Google site during after school time with your friends. 


You may subscribe to student page or site from the MORE menu located on the top-right corner. This would allow you to receive emails regarding the updates done by your students to their sites.
