Level II Tasks - HS/Advanced MS

    Google Site Format is Recommended for High School Students. (13 years and upper ages)



TASK 1: Create your e-portfolio (Google Site) and Choose your Project  (Graded by STEM Teacher)

TASK 2: Present Background research and maintain your project materials (Graded by STEM Teacher)

TASK 3: Creating a Page About STEMSOS Model (Graded by STEM Teacher)

TASK 4: Creating "My PBL Project" page PART 1 (Graded by STEM Teacher)

TASK 5: Creating "My PBL Project" page PART 2 ((Graded by STEM Teacher)

TASK 6: Post "investigation part" to your PBL Page (Graded by STEM Teacher)


TASK 7: Choosing the ELA and SS (Social Studies) components of your project  (Graded by ELA and SS Teacher)

TASK 8:  Posting the ELA component and SS connection. (Graded by ELA and SS Teacher)

TASK 9: Write the script of your video presentation (Graded by STEM Teacher)

TASK 10: PBL Video Presentation (Digital Story) (Graded by STEM Teacher)

TASK 11: Designing and Publishing Project Brochure (Graded by STEM Teacher)

TASK 12: Movie Presentation - ELA component and SS Connection (Graded by ELA and Social Studies Teacher)


This quarter will be a make-up period, teachers will grade previous tasks from 1st and 2nd quarter again, so that the students will have chance to update their projects.

The students who are behind may continue doing the missing previous tasks

TASK 13: "What is STEM SOS?" Page (Graded by STEM Teacher)

            This task is make -up for TASK 3 

            (the students will be graded again from the same task 3)

TASK 14: "My PBL Project" Page (Graded by STEM Teacher)

            This task is make -up for TASK 4 and TASK 5.

            (the students will be graded again from the same task 4&5)

TASK 15:  Video Presentation (Graded by STEM Teacher)

            This task is make -up for TASK 9 and TASK 10.

            (the students will be graded again from the same task 9&10)

TASK 16:  Homepage and Brochure (Graded by STEM Teacher)

            This task is make -up for TASK 11

            (the students will be graded again from the same task 11)

TASK 17: "ELA component" and "SS connection" Page(Graded by ELA and Social Studies Teachers)

            This task is make -up for TASK 8

             (the students will be graded again from the same task 8)

TASK 18: Movie Presentation - ELA component and SS connection (Graded by ELA and Social Studies Teachers)

             This task is make -up for TASK 12

                       (the students will be graded again from the same task 12)