Level III Task 5

You will complete this “My PBL Project” page using instructions from PBL Level III Task 4, Task 5 and Task 6.  Therefore, do not start a new page, instead continue to add to your "My PBL Page" that was created for Task 4.

Your completed "My PBL Page" will include several components. Click here to see an outline for Level III My PBL components. 

As part of Task 5 you are required to complete Results, Discussion and Reference for your PBL project. Be sure to take pictures and video clips of your experimental setup, procedure, initial and final results all the way from the beginning to the end of the project. These pictures and video clips will be helpful when you get ready to create PBL video.

Step 1: Results


    Data Table:

    Graphs or Figures:

Step 2: Discussion



    Application and Further Research:

Step 3: References