Level III Task 5
You will complete this “My PBL Project” page using instructions from PBL Level III Task 4, Task 5 and Task 6. Therefore, do not start a new page, instead continue to add to your "My PBL Page" that was created for Task 4.
Your completed "My PBL Page" will include several components. Click here to see an outline for Level III My PBL components.
As part of Task 5 you are required to complete Results, Discussion and Reference for your PBL project. Be sure to take pictures and video clips of your experimental setup, procedure, initial and final results all the way from the beginning to the end of the project. These pictures and video clips will be helpful when you get ready to create PBL video.
Step 1: Results
Add minimum of 5 pictures from your project. Select images that show main highlights of your project such as experimental setup, final and initial results, and/or finished products.
Click here for a quick tutorial on how to add images to your google site. If your images are saved on a Google Doc, make sure folder's permission setting is set to "anyone with the link can view". Otherwise, people will not be able to view these images.
Each image should have captions that provide description about it.
All images should be original and from your own project.
Be sure to use normal sized photos. Otherwise, a larger image may slow down downloading time of your page!
Click on the image and resize it to fit the page better and place it on the center of the page to make it visually pleasant. Consider editing/changing the layout of this page (see menu-bar on the top left hand corner).
Data Table:
Insert data table(s) summarizing the results.
The table(s) must have a title and must be numbered (e.g. Table 1: Mass of balls and diameters of crater formed)
Rows and columns must be labeled correctly.
Metric units must be included in the title and/or on the row and/or column labels (see sample here)
Avoid using raw data, instead show summary of data and when appropriate include statistical analysis such as mean, median mode and/or standard deviations. In general, the "raw data" should be included in an appendix or attached to the bottom of the Google Site page.
Graphs or Figures:
Visually represent summary of data by inserting appropriate graphs or figures, such as scatter plot, line graph, bar graph, and/or pie charts.
Add a clear and concise title that explains the graph or figure appropriately.
X-axis and and Y-axis must be labeled appropriately with units.
Include legends and describe any symbols used in the graph or figure.
Add statistical error bars when appropriate.
Underneath each graph, include a number (e.g. Figure 1) and then provide a summary of results (see sample here)
Step 2: Discussion
Explain your results in details by making reference from the data tables, graphs and statistics analysis.
In your discussion be sure to include statistical analysis such as mean, median, mode, variance, standard divination, standard errors, chi-square test and/or t-test analysis.
Identify number of trials performed and provide overall summary or trend seen from all trials.
If the results are contradictory or unexpected, attempt to explain why this is the case.
Mention possible sources of error in your procedure, if they seem relevant to the interpretation of your results.
If necessary, compare your results to previous studies (be sure to cite it properly). Describe any discrepancy between these results and previously reported results.
Tie your results to your research question(s) and provide a brief summary of results.
Tie your results to your hypothesis and state whether or not hypothesis was supported.
All conclusion should be based on your result and statistical analysis.
Application and Further Research:
Explain real life connection or practical application of your project to life, health, economy, and/or society.
Identify and describe future benefits and/or application of your project to life, health, economy and/or society.
Make suggestions for further research to expand or improve this project.
Step 3: References
Include at least three or more references from a (journal, article, or book). Avoid including wiki as a reference. Use APA style for in-text citation and reference (see how to do APA citation here).
References cited in text must appear in the reference list: conversely, each entry in the reference list must be cited in text.
Be sure to include reference from introduction and discussion part.
Arrange these references in alphabetical order.
Give the year the work was published in parentheses. If no date is available write (n.d).
Arrange entries in your reference list in alphabetical order by the surname of the first author. If you have many publications by the same author, arrange by year of publication with the earliest date first.
Use italics for titles of books, newspapers, magazines, and journals.
Include correct hyperlink address for online resources followed by authors name, data published, title, and volume (etc.)
Examples of APA references in alphabetical order:
Berndt, T. J. (2002). Friendship quality and social development. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 11, 7-10.
Bernstein, M. (2002). 10 tips on writing the living Web. A List Apart: For People Who Make Websites, 149. Retrieved from
PCalfee, R. C., & Valencia, R. R. (1991). APA guide to preparing manuscripts for journal publication. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Merriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary (10th ed.).(1993). Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster.