The HOSA Research Poster provides HOSA members with the opportunity to think critically about a health-related issue in their community; pose a research question surrounding the chosen topic; and conduct research on that topic. All competitors will develop a Research Poster showcasing their findings and present their research to a panel of judges. 

***Teachers can align this HOSA Research Poster by following all PBL Level III Tasks in order to receive the PBL Stipend.

If Scholars have previously participated at the Local/State Science Fair or HSEF, you can submit their Poster and have them participate in the HOSA Research Poster, as long as the students are HOSA members and the topic is Health-Science Related.

The Research Question 

If also submitting a PBL Level III Project- Follow Task 1

The Research Process 

If also submitting a PBL Level III Project- Follow Task 2

If also submitting a PBL Level III Project- follow Task 3,4 and 5

TASK 3: Creating a Page About STEMSOS Model (Graded by STEM Teacher)

TASK 4 : Creating "My PBL Project" page PART 1 (Graded by STEM Teacher)

TASK 5 : Creating "My PBL Project" page PART 2 (Graded by STEM Teacher)

The research poster will contain the following eight (8) components

If also submitting a PBL Level III Project- Follow Task 6









If also submitting a PBL Level III Project- follow task 7-12

TASK 7: Choosing the ELA and SS (Social Studies) components of your project  (Graded by ELA and SS Teacher)

TASK 8:  Posting the ELA component and SS connection. (Graded by ELA and SS Teacher)

TASK 9: Write the script of your video presentation (Graded by STEM Teacher)

TASK 10: PBL Video Presentation (Digital Story) (Graded by STEM Teacher)

TASK 11: Designing and Publishing Project Brochure (Graded by STEM Teacher)

TASK 12: Movie Presentation - ELA component and SS Connection (Graded by ELA and Social Studies Teacher)

The Research Poster Template and Design 

a) 3 Feet Rule: Poster must be readable 3 feet away

b) Left to Right, Top to Bottom

c) Use Bullet Points

d) Context

e) Images

The Research Poster Printing

Poster Example (See Below) + Link 

1st place winner @ Area and 4th place winner @ State

Required Digital Uploads 

SECONDARY/POST-SECONDARY/COLLEGIATE: Detailed instructions for uploading materials to Tallo can be found HERE. 

NOTE: Chartered Associations and ILC event staff have the option of using different setup methods to showcase the Research Posters. This could include attaching the posters to walls, laying posters flat on tables, or other methods deemed appropriate