TASK 1: Choose your Project, Create your Gmail Account, and Google Site (e-portfolio)


Choose your year long project from any STEM courses.

You should choose a PBL project (Level II or Level III) from any STEM course. It is strongly recommended to discuss this matter with your teacher to decide the most suitable project topic for you.

Option 1: CTE Courses (Ex: Engineering, Biomedical, Forensic Science, ...)

Option 2: Computer Sciences

Option 3: Elective STEM course (Ex: Environmental Sci)

Option 4: Mathematics

Option 5: Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics)

Option 6: AP or Dual Credit STEM Courses (Ex: AP Statistics, AP Biology, ...)

Will you do a group project ?

If your mentor teacher allows you to work as a group, make a team of 2 or 3 students (no more than 3 students in one team). Be aware that each member of the team will have the same website and project so everyone in the team will have the same grades from the same tasks. Also when you participate in a contest there will be only one award for the whole team.


Choose your year long PBL Level II project topic


Sign up for a Gmail account

If you have created a PBL Gmail account from a previous year’s assignment, you do not have to create a new one. However, please make sure you haven't used this account for purposes other than PBL assignments.

Student’s Gmail account must follow a certain format:

firstname initial + lastname.SchoolDomainnameYear@gmail.com


Name: Sydney Kelly

School website: abcde.org

Your email address would come out as skelly.abcde2016@gmail.com OR


Click here to create a Gmail account


Create a blank Google site

NOTE TO STUDENTS: Do not use the previous sites you have created. You need to start with a new site each year !

When you create your website, you need to follow this format:

STEMSOS2024 and your shortened project name and two digit number of your choice.

For example: If a student does a hovercraft project, student will create a Google site in this format "stemsos2016hovercraft12" ,so the URL address will be http://sites.google.com/site/stemsos2024hovercraft12

Incorrect URL format: https://sites.google.com/student.harmonytx.org/stemsos2024hovercraft12 (This unaccepted URL format is due to school email usage when the site is created for the first time. In order to use your school email to edit the website, please create the blank google site with your PBL email (skelly.abcde16@gmail.com) and share it with your school email.)


Share your site with your teachers,

Sharing does not mean sending the link by email. This is how you do it;

Great Hint for Students: If your computer(Chromebook) does not allow you to login with your PBL (Personal) email, you can share the website with your student(school) email in order to edit the website through school laptop.

Great Hint for Teachers: If students don't have access to computers at home, teachers can take the following steps to facilitate remote collaboration:

1. Create a blank website using their personal PBL (Personal) email, like STEM.PBL@GMAIL.COM.

2. Share the website link with their students' school email addresses, allowing students to edit the website through their school Gmail on their school laptop (Chromebook).

 Here are some important reminders for teachers during this process:

   a. Make sure to sign out of all Google accounts before logging in with your personal PBL email to avoid accidentally associating the website with your work email.

   b. Use the URL format specified in STEP 4 for consistency.


Email the name of project and website URL link.