Task 5
TASK 5: Creating Home Page
This will be graded by GRAPHIC DESIGN & MULTIMEDIA ARTS Teachers
1- Creating Home page
On a computer, open your PBL site in new Google Sites.
At the right, click Pages.
At the bottom right, hover over Add .
Click New page .
Enter the page name as Home Page.
Click Done.
To publish your changes, at the top right, click Publish.
2-Choose your homepage
On a computer, open your PBL Site in new Google Sites.
At the right, click Pages.
Choose Home page you created and click More Make home page.
To publish your changes, at the top right, click Publish.
4- Driven Question - Copy your Driven Question from my multimedia PBL menu and paste it here.
Note to Students: Remember to Change the name of your webpage and name it in this format; STEM SOS PBL+ Name of Project + 2015 . For example, "hsa2015tony24" is a wrong name for website , "STEM SOS PBL - Hovercraft 2015" is correct.