Task 14

TASK  14: Posting the SS connection to the "SS connection" page (will be graded by SS teacher)

Before starting to do task 13, make sure you completed task 6 and task 7.

The SS connection of your Level 2 or Level 3 will be posted the page named as "SS connection"

You will not return any paper or email any file to your teacher. All materials will be posted/attached/inserted on that page.

You can either post it when all your text, pictures, charts, etc are ready or you may prefer to start editing your page as soon as you start working with your project.

Try to finalize "SS connection" page earlier so that you will have to time for feedback from your teacher and improve/update it

Please be aware that you are not simply attaching whole assignment to your site, but your are constructing a page. The layout, design ,theme, the media files, links, copyright issues should be all considered for a good-looking page.

In addition with the design of your page, you can still attach or insert any file to your site.

Using Google Drive and inserting Google document, presentation or drawing can help you a lot. But if you insert anything from Google Drive DO NOT FORGET TO SHARE THE FILE AS "Public on the web" !

How to insert any file from Google drive ?

If you need to insert some pictures please do not use big file size. Instead of directly inserting picture files, you can first upload the pictures as an album to your Google Plus account and insert the album or single picture from Google Plus.But you should share the album as "Public" to make it visible through your website.

If you have video about your ELA component, uploading directly to the page or  to the Google drive may have limitations, instead it will be easier for you to firstly uploading to your YouTube Channel and insert the video from your channel. SHARE THE YouTube VIDEO AS "PRIVATE - ANYONE WITH THE LINK CAN VIEW"

For more details about your ELA Project see the attached file below.