4P's of Capstone
4P’s:Proposal, Paper, Project, Presentation
Submitting a proposal for a challenging project reflecting the major of study.
Writing a research paper on a challenging aspect of the major of study, reflecting basic writing as well as information literacy skills and using multiple sources, including at least one interview.
Designing and producing a related, rigorous, student‐driven project or product.
Preparing an oral presentation for an audience consisting of business professionals, teachers, administrators, counselors, and community members.
Preparing a Project Proposal
In the professional workplace a proposal is required for almost any activity performed by a company. An advertising firm must propose a plan for a company’s promotion. A Construction company or landscape service must submit a bid to be considered for a job. In everyday life, customers shop from place to place to get the highest quality for the most reasonable amount of money. Sales representatives often exhibit samples and examples to impress their prospective clients.
The project proposal could be considered the student’s sales pitch or bid for a job. It provides the student’s advisor with a framework to determine whether the project is immediately approved, approved after modifications, or should be resubmitted. The proposal is an instrument for planning a quality product. This also gives the students the valuable experience of planning, preparing, and presenting a proposal similar to the expectations found in a professional work environment.
The following page will serve as a guide for developing a proposal.
Sample Research Project Ideas
The following are possible ideas for projects. Some of the ideas are major‐specific, and others are simply generic. Students should exhibit their own creativity when choosing a project. Students are only limited by their willingness to dream, plan, and follow‐through!
As an incentive of being a T-STEM academy, STEM subject projects will receive 5% extra points.
Build an FM transmitter and prepare a mass production guide.
Install software to a Raspberry Pi computer and create innovative ways to use.
Create a personal video package (radio/TV broadcasting)
Conduct and analyze a patient/client survey (medicine)
Produce a videotape of sample procedures (medicine, law)
Build a remote controlled device; robot arms, research probes...
Write (for publication) a newspaper article on a current, relevant topic
Design a website for a small business, organization, or professional group (animation, media tech)
Write an appellate brief (law)
Compile an office reception area activity packet (medicine, law)
Write a student activity packet, with a teacher’s guide (education)
Design a set of architectural blueprints (architecture, engineering)
Create a photo journal of steps in project completion (engineering)
Design and build a model of a project (architecture, engineering)
Plan a lesson, teach a class, and reflect on the outcome (education)
Design a graphic (logo, advertisement, webpage) to be used by a business,
organization, club, etc. (animation, graphic arts)
Write a will in an acceptable legal format (law)
Research and write pamphlets or booklets (graphic arts)
Create a board game on a relevant topic on the career itself
Create laminated charts, posters, etc. (graphic arts)
Design and produce instructional media: video, audio, etc. (media tech)
Draw a cartoon book explaining a process or a procedure
Produce a “day in the life” video of your chosen major (media tech)
Design a marketing campaign for a business or product (graphic arts,
marketing, hotel management)
Research and design a menu for a restaurant with nutritional information
(graphic arts, culinary)
Set up an accounting system for a small business (banking & finance)
Projects from NASA HUNCH Program ( https://www.nasahunch.com)
Visit below link to see more ideas https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rZeCn1ozf--o8xLs4mUQSXv6ahz7sUT2UdAlR6ogmhc/edit?usp=sharing
See project proposal form in the handbook to submit your project to your adviser.
Capstone Project Proposal (Use the form in the handbook, this is just to give students an idea)
Student Name _____________________________ Date_____________________
English Faculty Advisor ____________________ Pathway ________________
(Deliver to your CTE Faculty Advisor)
Capstone: a creative outgrowth of student research; reflection of student’s understanding.
Describe your project in detail:
How is this an emerging trend, or a solution to a real‐world problem?
Reasons you selected this project or product:
Your mission statement:
Complete the following checklist as you review your proposal:
___ 1. Your product has application to the real world.
___ 2. Your project solves a problem.
___ 3. It provides new information.
___ 4. It reflects a diversity of research resources.
___ 5. You will be able to complete it within the time limits.
___ 6. It provides a useful tool.
___ 7. It appeals to the interests of an audience.
___ 8. You have access to the materials necessary to complete it.
___ 9. The costs of materials are within your budget.
___ 10. It reflects complexity of research and exhibits the suitable level of difficulty for a five-month study.
___ 11. It has a concrete format.
___ 12. Your product idea is creative.