Task 2

TASK 2 : Present Background research and maintain your project materials . 

This will be graded by GRAPHIC DESIGN & MULTIMEDIA ARTS teacher 


Prepare some background research to present to your teacher. Use your textbook, online sources including videos and the handout for your project if your teacher has given it to you. Background research should include 4 parts:

Big picture: What is your topic, or main idea? Such as target audience (proto persona), branding, marketing, design concept, etc. Instead of describing your project with long sentences, use a list of keywords that will help you understand your topic better.

Principle or/and concepts: Which principles and fundamental concepts do your project cover? Which software and hardware  and equipment are you going to use?

Keywords and units: Which words and terms will you use often when completing your research? Explanation of concepts.

Figures: Any design process diagram, storyboard, layout, wireframing, charts, graphs that your project covers, if they exist for your project.


Present your background research to your STEM teacher.

Option 1: Schedule a visit with the teacher in order to present your background research.

Your teacher may post a time table for you to schedule an appointment in order for you to present your background research. Since your teacher may have many students’ research to hear, please be responsible for your own scheduling and time management.

Option 2: You may send your background information to your teacher in an email. If your teacher finds your research satisfactory, you will not have to present it in person. However, the teacher may request you come present it in person if they think it is necessary.


Take notes on the feedback your teacher gives you. These notes and your background research will be vital as you complete the assignment in the 2nd nine weeks, so make sure you do not lose them.


Go to your teacher and ask if all the materials needed to start your assignment are available.


Make sure all of your materials are organized:

Digital files should be in a google shared folder

Any equipment needed should be scheduled for check out.

Paper Based Project Folder (Drafts, Storyboards, Wireframing)

If your teacher lets you handle the equipment, learn how they all work and make sure that nothing is missing.