Who is who

The Cast - Humans, elves and demons, and other wondrous beings

Tomomi ともみ

A normal girl (according to herself) from our world who ended up in the Abode due to odd circumstances.

She is well informed about what happens in the Abode and responsible for keeping records. She also keeps a diary by request from the Old Magician.

Lives in the Wizard Tower


A shape changer with a strange past, her natural form is with silver hair and black wings. She is the first apprentices of the Old Magician, and an excellent student (and teacher) of magic.

She has a fascination for quantum mechanics and theoretical physics.

Lives in the Sylvan Pavilion.


Let everybody love me, is his motto, although he seems to be unable to show true love towards others. He trusts his charm will solve any problem, but is really afraid to enter any real relations.

He is an illusionist, who somewhere lost his real self.

Lives in the Sylvan Pavilion

Alma Dragonsoul

A born warrior and survivor, with an appetite for life. She lives with no regrets and as if today might be the last.

She is of dragon blood.

She has hatred towards, and fear of, true demons (like Opal).

Lives in the Hyperborian annex (The castle).

Bel Aeslyn

A knight and friend of Alma.

She claims to have demon ancestry, which is backed by her in depth knowledge about demon-kind and several demon traits, like fast recovery and ability to travel dimensions.

Lives in the Hyperborian annex (The castle)


Lady Li NiChang, the white haired witch/demoness. A Chinese lady and legendary witch.

She once had a relation to Ren.

Lives in the Sylvan Pavilion.

Shinju (-ichi)

真珠一 - Shinju

Alternate reality "twins". Both rather forward and mature with a genuine interest for science. Both come from worlds with genetic manipulation and fuel-cell technology, Shinju-ni's slightly more steam-punk. But both are true product of their world.

They use rooms in the Wizards Tower and the town-house.

Shinju (-ni)

真珠二 - Shinju

Alternate reality "twins". Both rather forward and mature with a genuine interest for science. Both come from worlds with genetic manipulation and fuel-cell technology, Shinju-ichi's slightly more bio-punk. But both are true product of their world.

They use rooms in the Wizards Tower and the town-house.


The Emperor

"Mother" of Shinju.

Genetically engineered royal Sino-linage.

Very reserved and strong despite her fragile looks.

Decided to retire from her duties and settle in the Abode, she is close to her daughter(s).

Alternate her presence between the Wizard's Tower and the Shrine.

Wotatease Mixenmatch

A somewhat eccentric* sorceress who is an old-time friend of the Old Magician. She has a problem with barbarians, likes to "play" people, managed to ruin her old keep after a failed summoning and is somewhat mentally unstable. Actually most would say she passed the border between promising genius and madwoman long time ago, by far.

She resides in the Wizards Tower.

Black Opal

A Succubus who was given a soul.

After thousands years of pretending, she wanted to know true feelings herself.

She is mother to Kandra, Liliane and Ierene.

Resident of the shrine (the sanctum), but still uses her chamber in the Wizards Tower regularly.

Kandra Moonchild

Opals daughter.

Despite her mother being a demon, she appears to be a very cute and normal human girl.

She can usually be found exploring the Abode and its surroundings.

Shade and Lir are appointed as her guardian and governess. GoKicha is also known to help.


Opals second daughter.

Despite her mother being a demon, she appears to be a very cute and normal human girl, just like her sister.

And just like her sister she is more than a handful.

Calandra is appointed as her main guardian with help from Shade.


Ierene (Irene)

Opals third daughter.

Despite her mother being a demon, she appears to be a very cute and normal human girl, just like her sisters.

She can usually be found in the vicinity of Opals shrine.

Shiomi acts as her main guardian, together with Calandra.

Shade Shadow Guardian

A shadow demon protecting Opal (and others). She is a chimaera who can change shape into a cat- like creature.

Her favourite answer is "Classified information"...

A "Cloak and Daggers Claws" person.

Has a chamber in the tower, but is usually found in the annex to the shrine.

Tsuki - Little Moon

A demon sent to "save" Opal from her soul infestation. She is false, greedy and self-centred, although most residents find her more cute than evil, saying she is like any spoiled little girl.

She usually talks with a strong accent, which is an act put on to charm. According to Opal she is a monster even among demons.

She has her lair in the tower.

Shiomi - 美桜

A temple maid possessed by a daemon.

She acts as handmaiden to Opal and is the keeper of the shrine where Opal took up residence.

She lives in the shrine's annex.

Aleta Calandra - לִילִית

A siren that befriended Opal long ago. Like the sirens of legend she has clawed legs and can transform her arms to wings.

Has taken up residence in the shrine's annex but is often seen in the sylvan pavilion.

Erendil of Avalone

An elf that loves peace/the silent elf.

She is sharp-tongued when needed, and not the least afraid to stand for her principles or her actions.

She does have another side though...

Lives in the Sylvan Pavilion

Palatyne of Albany

A fay/fairy woman that is befriended to Calandra and who hold Opal in great respect.

Has taken up residence in the sylvan pavilion but is often seen in the shrine's annex together with Calandra.

She is rumoured to be the sister of Melusine.

Lir Treerunner

Self-proclaimed elf noble, or princess, with a knack for fighting.

Knows Alma and Bel from the battlefield.

Also known as the "Goblin Queen"

Lives in the Hyperborian annex (The castle)

Evaleigh the courtesan

An elf courtesan with a dark past.

As beautiful as she is, her soul is dark, and she lives for revenge. She is in constant conflict with Lir, Alma and Bel.

However, lately things are beginning to clear up.

Inhabits a chamber within the Abode not far from the entrance to the Hyperborian annex.



A slightly scatter-brained elf. Despite of this she is actually a great asset when she gets down to it and is not distracted. Adores Erendil beyond anything else.

Settled in in the Sylvan Pavilion


A mysterious well-endowed lady lately who appeared in the Abode few years ago. Extrovert and seems to enjoy life to its fullest. Shade seemed to know a lot about her, but only shook her head when asked. She could be found in Erendil’s chamber (in the Sylvan pavilion) when Erendil was out and she has a small town-house in South Haven where she used to sell herbs, potions and other services.

Saber Nero

A guardian demon conjured by Wot (by mistake) after a discussion with Tomomi.

As demon-kind goes she is fairly kind-hearted, very curious and has no idea what so ever on what is considered appropriate. She is an authorized demon by the council of Avalone according to her own claim.

She resides in the Wizards Tower.

Jeanne d'Arc

Guardian demon conjured by Wot and Tomomi, rival to Saber, but they are on good terms. She is an authorized demon of higher rank than Saber, at least according to herself, something Saber will not agree on. She is far more well versed in social behaviour than Saber and behaves more appropriate in many situations.

She usually resides in the Wizards tower.

Sheryl Nome

A high-classed entertainment demon conjured by Wot and Tomomi in the likeness of a famous songstress Tomomi knew about and in response to a dispute about what a good song sounds like with Thalia and Sus.

As with Saber and Jeanne, she got stuck in the Abode after being summoned.

Sakura Amamiya

Guardian demon conjured by you-know-who. A cheerful and positive addition to the small group of summoned spirits in the Abode. She and Tomomi have great fun together.

Numerus XI ex XII aka "Patsy", "Deadmeat", "the Lamb" or "Dragonbait"

A haughty imp, rescued from being canon fodder by Shade. She now considers herself protector of the Abode. She is brave and proud, but not very smart, with a tendency to do things first and think later.

She resides in the kitchen.


War veteran, sniper, actor and singer with a shady past.

Both legs are mechanical after she was badly injured in the war. Friend of Sus from a steampunk world, suffers from melancholia and felt out of place until Sus brought her to the Abode.


Barmaid, with a talent for dimensional and interdimensional magic among other things. She is witty, smart and nimble, shrewd in every sense. She decided to tail a party (of the usual gang out to have fun) one evening, ended up in the Abode and was immediately accepted as an apprentice.

She settled in one of the town-houses.

Little Sister

A young girl that came to the Abode unannounced together with her sister, escaping poverty. They hid for several months, earning the title "the Ghost sisters". Once found out the little sister adapted quickly to the Abode, unlike her older sister, who was sent home and given a new start in life. The little sister (name unknown) shows great potential and power, although there is a darkness about her.

Other inhabitants and occasional guests:

Living in the Abode, or its annexes:

Rook the war-horse:

An armoured stallion of small build, but with enormous endurance and high intelligence. He not only carries his rider to war, but engage. He chooses his rider based on need, and then only if asked nicely. There is a rumour that he was human once.


Pseudo-dragon familiar of Wotatease.

The Sphinxes:

They usually flank the door to Old Magicians study, where they normally would be mistaken for bronze statues, when not running errands for either Old Magician, or themselves. They are Puzzling creatures that can see several realities at a time. What they really are is unknown, their physical form in the abode is probably nothing more than a projection on this reality.


One of the guardians of the Abode, who can change shape at will, but usually appears as a huge cheetah. As with the Sphinxes above, he seems to belong to the abode. The rumour that he is Old Magician's familiar has not been verified. Some say he is the spirit of one of the former masters of the Abode.

Guardians of the Abode:

Apart from the Sphinxes and Cheetah there are several other guardians in the Abode, who either guard the entrances or do minor tasks. Most of these seems to be animated statues (like gargoyles) that only occasionally animates themselves, or small spirit animals, like squirrelcats (looks like small ferrets with big ears, and are very inquisitive and curious (the expression "Curiosity killed the cat" fits them well)) and their likes, most of whom lair in the kitchens.

Animals of the Abode:

There are a number of animals in the Abode as well (not counting the squirrelcats and other spirit beings above).

Some stray cats*, of varied size and intelligence, have made their home in the abode, and in the Hyperborean sector there is a dog kennel.

The large number of ravens, crows and magpies that usually likes the different permanent extensions, seems to have become a more prominent feature since the arrival of Sus.

There are also several ponds with koi, frogs, salamanders and other aquatic or water-loving creatures, including some that you should better be beware of. Some ponds are portals to watery worlds with strange inhabitants.

To add to the chaos, Tomomi bought some incis (Incisivosaurruses) on a market and tried to train them, somewhat unsuccessfully (several inhabitants of the abode are trying to convince her to release tem into the wild again, preferably on a less frequented plane, like her original plane). They will usually be found in orangery connected to the tower kitchen when not moulting (dinosaur feathers everywhere is a pest).

There also seems to be a special kind of intelligent mice who have settled in the warehouses connected to the Abode (and these do not approve of the incis).

* Just to make it perfectly clear: Shade does not count as one of the strays! /S

Other personae that can appear (in no particular order):

Shinobu - 忍:

A vampire, or former vampire, thrown out of existence as her former refuge was utterly destroyed. She is searching for a way to end her loneliness of five hundred years past. She uses the Abode as a refuge.

Formerly known as Shinobu Kissshot: A vampire lady, iron-blooded, hot-blooded and cold-blooded...


The pure-hearted one, Bel's twin brother who was lost in one of the battles that led to the Last stand.


Warlock striving to get hold of the Wizards Tower. Currently trying to force his way through the Hyperborian annex.**

Lady Ree:

A red-headed friend (?) of Old Magician, she calls herself a bard, but her abilities seems to surpass that of a normal minstrel*** by far. She seems to be as good with her mace and daggers, as she is with lute and dance. Seeing her perform exotic dance while juggling a half score of daggers, one would say that this lady could be fatal in more ways than one.


A friend of Sus who occasionally pops up in the Abode****

Hana (Hanael)

The Blue Angel. She is the self-proclaimed guide to Opal, and scares most of the residents with her self-righteous behaviour.

The only one who does not seem to be bothered by her is Opal, who mostly ignores her.

She has taken residence in the inner sanctum of the shrine in her own partition.

Avalon Council of Magic:

A gathering of 17 high level humanoid magicians, who executes some control over the inter-planar magic society, mostly by issuing strange magic-backed decrees, like the one forcing Old Magician to take on apprentices, and agents to that do their biding and spy on other members and organisations. Old Magician himself is not part of the council, but is sometimes called to attend due to other circumstances. The council have a strictly controlled

The "Ghost" Sisters:

A younger and older sister who got lost in the abode. They thought they had been caught by yōkai after hiding in an abandoned building and they where terrified when they first encountered the clawed, hoofed, horned and otherwise strange assembly in the Abode. As they where hiding in the vast library and scavenged the kitchen for food, they first were mistaken for ghosts*****.

* That is an understatement if ever there ever was one, neither "somewhat" or "eccentric" is correct when it comes to her, she is totally of her rocks! //Shade

** My guess is he has the hots for the trio in the Annex, nothing else would explain why he would try to get through that way //Shade

*** Nobody would even think of that, they would think of many things that she could be, but a minstrel would be among the last //Shade

**** Another crow in the abode... //Shade

***** The fact that some of the residents enthusiastically set up a ghost-hunt and laid out traps did not help much to ease the situation.

****** <Classified Information>