
Palatyne - daughter of Pressyne, the sister of Melusine

The fay from Avalone, guardian of the treasure on the mountain summit, but got bored by her inheritance and left it all behind.


Doll info:

Company : Soom

Type : Super Gem

Model : Cuprit

Resin colour : Cream White

Height : 64cm

Sex : Girl

Order date : Bought second hand (twice)

Arrival date: May 2011/July 2013

Wig : Leeke "Winter" or LR-131 Goldenrod

Eyes : Special two-coloured blue glass-eyes

Face-up :

Other things : Cass legs and fins

Name: Palatyne.

Plane of origin: The Classical Age

Occupation/Rank: Fay/fairy

Birthday: Unknown

Age: She was borne in the twelfth century.

Sexuality: She likes men...

Relations: Friend with Calandra since old.

Personality: Enchanting

Discipline: Water

Weapon of choice:

Blood type and/or star sign: unknown

Likes: To sing, to dance and swim in the moonlit water

Dislikes: Unfair trials and those who try to bind others by word or force

Biography: If confronted with the "old" story of Palatyne she will say that:

"People forget and bloodlines grow thin, then why should I not break the curse of Arragon that my mother so unfairly placed upon me?"

She has severed her ties with her mother and feels a great pity for her sisters, whom she seeks to free from their curses.

Upon breaking her mothers curse she also fled Avalone and began to wander the planes to find a way to lift the curses her mother had put on her sisters, Melusine and Melior. She still believes they did the right thing and that her mothers love had blinded her to the disrespect he had shown her mother.

Gemstone of choice: Blue Topaz

Other notes of importance: Like her sister Melusine she needs to change into her fay form at least once a week, but can do it at will whenever she wants. As most can guess she is an excellent swimmer.

Although she originates from Avalone she has been wandering the world of Classical Age, where she also befriended Calandra four centuries ago. In Avalone she is seen as unwanted by the fay after breaking her curse. She knows Erendil but is not really befriended with her. She has come to adore Opal, very much like Calandra.

The story of the sisters (the daughters of Pressyne): The three girls, Melusine, Melior, and Palatyne grew up in Avalon. On their fifteenth birthday, the eldest, Melusine, asked why they had been taken to Avalon. Upon hearing how their father had broken his word, forcing them to leave the kingdom, Melusine sought revenge. Together with her sisters, Melusine captured Elynas and locked him, with his riches, in a mountain. Pressyne became enraged when she learned what the girls had done to their father, and punished each of them for their disrespect. Melusine was condemned to take the form of a serpent from the waist down every Saturday. If she found a husband who would agree to never see her on Saturday, she would remain a human woman. But if her husband saw her on a Saturday, she would revert to the serpent form until Judgment Day. Melior had to keep a sparrow hawk in a castle in Armenia until she was rescued, and Palatyne was imprisoned with her father’s treasure on a mountaintop in Arragon.