
Necessity is the mother of invention... And strange bedfellows...

Doll info:

Company : Evoke

Type : Evoke 68cm (L)

Model : Warden

Specials : Seamless

Skin colour : Normal skin

Height : 68cm

Sex : female

Order date : June 2017

Arrival date : September 2017

Wig : Leeke

Eyes : Default

Face-up : Original face up

Other details :

Name: Eriel

Plane of origin: Unknown, possibly Sylvan Earth


Birthday: Unknown

Age: Unknown

Sexuality: Yes, she is very seductive.

Relations: She seems to be on good terms with Shade

Personality: Friendly, social, sometimes quite extrovert

Discipline: Adaptation and mind magic

Weapon of choice: Dagger and capable of defending herself

Blood type and/or star sign: She won't divulge this information

Likes: Pretty boys.

Dislikes: People who thinks they can buy her favours

Biography: So far little is known about this well-endowed lady who appeared out of nowhere, although Shade seems to know a lot about her, even if she wont tell much. She surprised several when she first appeared in Erendil's quarters in the Sylvan Pavilion (in the late spring of MMDCCLXX a.u.c.) and was introduced by a flustered Shade. The overall opinion is that she is someone that Erendil and Shade befriended during the spring festivals and later invited to the Abode by Erendil. She seems to use Erendil's rooms in the Sylvan Pavilion most of the time when Erendil is away on other business.

Gemstone of choice: Amber

Other notes of importance: Her first appearance was during an evening gathering that Sus had arranged in the Sylvan Pavilion, coming out from Erendil's quarters, much to the surprise of everybody except Shade, who seemed very embarrassed. Which was why they turned to Shade to introduce the well-endowed lady they guessed had been invited by her and Erendil. Shade was quite flustered and began with "This is Er...e.. i..", then seemed to struggle for a moment, while the girl stood beside her smiling widely, "I mean- Eriel". Eriel at first looked quite puzzled, but then happily began to chat with the group about everything and nothing without really divulging any information about herself more than she was a friend of Erendil and Shade and that she really enjoyed life here. The others decided after a while that she was something of an airhead and was mostly surprised that Erendil had agreed to lend her quarters to her. But, as they all agreed, you never know what the cat drags in...

When they later asked Shade to tell them more about her, she only shook her head and looked a bit uncomfortable while mumbling something about that necessity is the mother of lies, ehrr. inventions. Many are surprised that Erendil (and Shade) are so fond of her, especially since Eriel's personality in several ways is the opposite of Erendil. She can be very extrovert, she has sex appeal and use it to its full extent and can be very forward with it, something that reminded several of Erendil when she is drunk.

She lives in a small town-house in South Haven, where she sells herbal medicine, invigorating potions and other services. She is also involved in furthering animal husbandry practices together with Lir and Erendil.

Disappearance: On new years eve (AD -MMDCCLXXII / MMDCCLXXIII a.u.c) while celebrating, Erendil declared that Eriel had fulfilled her purpose and was to be considered redundant before a fairly party from the Abode (including Eriel herself). A few days later she disappeared from view, leaving her townhouse and business to the others to look after. She left a note to the others saying that it had been fun as long as it lasted, but now she was excessive and an expandable asset. "If you remember me, please think of me kindly. At least I was good for my sex appeal." she ended her letter.

There was rumours that Erendil had asked Lir to take care of her, or dispose of her, but nobody thinks they make any sense...