Something wicked...

Autumn have turned cold, Alma enjoys the little sunlight there is as the tree's lose their last leaves...

Alma: "Something wicked I spy, along this path..."

Alma: "Prepare to meet thy end foul one!"

Alma: "Get behind me! I'll take care of that lewd thing!"

Old Magician: "Stop, she's in my care and under my protection."

Alma: "That miscreant! She's ensnared your mind, old man. We all sooner need protection from her..."

Opal: "Why do they hate me?"

Opal: "Why do they shun me, and hunt me?"

Opal: "Are they afraid of what I am?"

Opal: "When I am just tired and cold"

Opal: "And with nobody to love"

Opal: "What are they afraid of?"

Opal: "Can I please come into the warmth of your abode again?"

Alma: "You are an abomination, you are lewd, and you don't deserve our protection! I'll be on my guard!"

Opal: "You taunt me and hunt me"

Opal: "Why?"

Opal: "Am I that ugly in your eyes?"

Opal: "Or is it the reflection of yourself you see in my eyes?"

... and on goes the story...