Language & Communication

Language and communication in the Abode.

Despite what many may think all the occupants of the abode does not speak the same language, and there is no universal translator spell, artefact or device available to make things easier.

There is however several spells that work as a sort of instantaneous translators, in best case they carry over both meaning and feeling. Most manage with a sort of common language that coincidentally is very close to English as we know it, but it is important to know that this is not the mother-tongue for most of the residents. Some real demons, like Opal, have the ability to communicate with just about anything, if they want to. To use her ability as an interpreter, however, would be beneath her status.

In most realities there are equivalents to the large languages we are used to, sometimes with heavy accent, or with a lot of unknown words (depending on their technical advancement and direction), but close enough to enable communication. As language is a key factor to survival, it would not surprise anybody that most of those who travel between realities are multi-lingual and fast to learn new terms, dialects and, if needed, languages.

The languages used by the characters:

This lists some of the languages used by the characters and other methods of understanding that they use. The list is not complete and only lists the most used known languages.

Old Magician: English, but seems to understand most languages spoken within the abode, even without translation magic. He will confess to knowledge in several classical languages, elfish and drow.

Tomomi: English, French, German and Japanese. She also have a translator amulet, given to her by Old Magician, to help her understand other languages, it must however be "tuned in" to work.

Sus: English, American*, Tlingit and several North American native languages, as well as Japanese.

Ren: English, German, Spanish, Japanese and Chinese, knows some magic to help understand other foreign languages

Alma and Bel: Common**, German, French, English, Afrikaans and several more

Lir: Elven, English, Common**, Spanish

Shinju (both): English (several versions), Japanese

Li NiChang: Chinese, Japanese, German and English

Shiomi: English and Japanese, the demon part of her knows a lot more though

Erendil: Elven, English, Common** (but probably know a lot more), it is possible that she uses some magic as well to enhance understanding.

Evaleigh: Common**, Elven

Wotatease: Common**, English, Arabic and a several more. Her pronunciation in any language is terrible though. Use magic for dual interpretation, which works like a charm.

The Sisters: Japanese, the elder sister have some limited English knowledge.

Opal: Seems to be able to communicate with most beings in their own language or communication form, but uses a charming English within the abode (perhaps due to the influence of Old Magician who use English). She probably use equally charming and perfectly fluent speech whatever language her counterpart expects to hear from her. When speaking with Calandra she uses the classical languages, usually either Latin or ancient Greek.

Shade: English (a magocrat version), but seems to understand a large number of other languages, possibly demon ability or deep magic ability to adopt languages.

Calandra: Prefers the classic languages, Latin (very much a live language for her), Greek and Hebrew, but she has no problem with several of the modern European languages.

Tsuki: Probably can communicate in any language, always with a cute accent designed for just that language.

Hanael: Latin, classical Greek, Armenian, Hebrew, and several other classical languages

Saber: English (Arthurian)

Languages, a note:

* American: Native American languages, usually refers to the Nation Trade Language (born from Mobilian).

** "Common": Is a trade language of mixed origin used in several planes and cultures, possibly through their interaction with each other.

Elvish: A language that is universally used by elves, but not necessarily as primary language, with very little difference between realities. Drow and the High Ones are known to have their own very different and complex languages.

Mind Links:

Mind linking is a form of telepathy and as such far more powerful than speech, as it can transfer feeling and thoughts in several layers. Most people will find it very intruding and scary, both as user and used. Fortunately only a few entities are capable of it, and magic giving this ability is very hard to master. Opal has the ability to mind link at will, although she seldom uses it, she has full control and can send thoughts clear as words and read the answer with ease, how much more she reads of your mind is unclear though, but probably more than you would think. Wot and Growf also have a mind link, even if it seems to be on a subconscious level at times. Others like Erendil and Shiomi have the capability to create a mind link with somebody under certain circumstances, but it usually takes some preparation and time to set up and is limited in time. There is a rumour that Shade also has the capacity to enter peoples mind if they are asleep or unconscious.

And what is spoken where:

Avalone: Elven, English, French and several classical languages are used here.

The elf Erendil is from this world.

Biopunk Earth I/II & Steampunk Earth: English, German, French, Chinese and Japanese work well, depending on where you want to go.

Shinju-ichi and Shinju-ni comes from this reality. Both versions are frequently visited by both Shinju's and Tomomi.

Clod Earth: The place you are in, English works quite well, but for those coming from other realities they often consider it tainted and heavily accented.

Tomomi was "rescued" from this reality.

The Classical Age: Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Armenian and several other, You should have a good knowledge in at least one of the classical languages to get around, with a bit of luck you can find people who speak the other "barbaric" languages of the European tribes though. If you travel outside greater Europe and North Africa it's good to know Chinese and American.

Calandra is from the Classic Age

The Great Empires: Latin is very good to know here, but you can get around with English and other European languages. Outside Europe they use American to the west and Chinese to the east as common trade languages. A pidgin Latin is otherwise most commonly spoken outside Europe.

Shade frequently visits this reality, but it is not her "home" reality.

Imperial Earth: English, French, Chinese and Japanese are among greater languages used, but most empire building nations' languages are represented.

Ren, Li Nichang, Pearl and Shiomi come from the Sino - Nihon empires area of this world.

The Great Kingdom: "Common" and a heavily accented version of English (at least in the eastern parts), is used as a trade languages in this world. Elvish is used among elves and their relatives, most other languages (as well as some rather unique) exists, but are usually very tainted and accented.

Evaleigh comes from the Great Kingdom, and it is well known that our Hyperborian gang has been adventuring there.

Hyperborea: "Common" is a general language, there are lot of local languages as well, and classical languages (Latin and Chinese for example) are widely used.

Alma, Bel, Lir and Rook are from Hyperboria.

Sylvan Earth: American languages (see above), English, French, Japanese and Elvish are found here and will get you around.

Sus originates from this world.

Thule: You can use Common, but otherwise it is most like Hyperborea, but worse.

Used as a retreat by Old Magician (and other inhabitants of the Abode).

Shadow Earth: Very little is known, but they seem to have a unique universal language used for wider communication, as well as "Magocrat" versions of most western languages.

There are unconfirmed rumours that Shade could originate from here.

The Reich and the Crown: English, German, Russian, Chinese and Japanese are good to know if you need to get around.

Alma and Bel seems to have been quite active here for several years