Lir - the Elf princess?

Lir Treerunner - "Here comes the Cavalry" aka the Goblin Queen

Doll info:

Company : Domuya

Type : D1-Flexi Perennial

Model : Elvina LE

Specials : special elf mold

Resin colour : normal

Height : 64cm

Sex : female

Order date : July 2010

Arrival date : July 2010

Wig : Leeke world (several)

Eyes : Lilac glass eyes

Face-up : Dumuya with enhancement by me

Other details : Full set with elven bow

Name: Lir

Plane of origin: Hyperboria

Occupation/Rank: Royalty (Princess - unconfirmed), Military rank equals Praetor - General (confirmed)

Birthday: Sometime during summer

Age: Unknown

Sexuality: From frigid warrior queen to "anything goes" depending on her mode the latter being the rule nowadays

Relations: None known

Personality: Reserved and royal in court, silent and deadly in battle, in-between she can be boisterous, mischievous and manipulative

Discipline: Wind magic, but also known as a powerful battle-mage.

Weapon of choice: Battle-bow (a type of batliff) and sword-spear (that can be used as a pole-arm or as a missile together with her battle-bow), most often she uses both in combination in CQC. She is also highly proficient with composite bow and sword (and surprisingly enough, modern small firearms).

Star sign: unknown

Likes: Woods and wind

Dislikes: Cities, crowds and noisy people (hard to believe when you hear her party with Alma and Bel)

Biography: She claims to be an elfin warrior of royal heritage (although this is disputed), a deadly archer and swords-woman (which is not disputed), and rightly feared when she handles her batliff (sword-bow) on the battle field (no-one alive would dispute that). She is acquainted with Bel and Alma, having fought several battles with them. Bel would describe her as a one-woman infantry, or as Alma comments when she enters "Here comes the cavalry". She came to the Abode with Rook, the warhorse (see below), but does not claim him, saying that they just happened to be going the same way.

When not travelling, drinking or training (or in battle), she usually dress in court clothes, befitting a royalty.

She also have a tendency to go on what she calls undercover missions now and then, often to some shady places (usually only Alma or Bel knows where, but sometimes she wont even tell them). During their campaign against the Barbarians (and the attack on the Hyperborian annex) she volunteered as bait (she can act out a wonderful "Maiden in Distress") and although it did not go according to plan, Alma and Bel never showed any sign to worry about her being taken prisoner. Their comment when others got worried, was that "she'll manage and probably enjoy it"...

She is also known as the Goblin Queen, a nickname that has stuck.

Gemstone of choice: Dove-blood ruby, emeralds or amethysts, depending on the situation.

Other things about her: Many who know her would claim that she have a dual personality. Those who have seen her in court, on battlefield and in tavernas (or worse), all agree that she is fast to change personality to fit the environment, from high-born lady or composed elf strategist to brawling warrior or lewd wench.

Her attitude towards other elf's or anyone of elven descendent (especially females), is contemptuous, respect-less and insolent. She will do her best to annoy Erendil, not even stopping short of physical abuse (from pinching her derrière too even prick it with a rapier), she is openly fiendish against Evaleigh and the only reason she not openly attacks her is the the threat of expulsion from the Abode (it does not refrain her from threatening her though). Erendil have on occasion referred to her as the Goblin Queen and have openly questioned her claim to be an elf. The fact that this does not bother her in the slightest (in fact she openly cite Erendil on this matter) speaks for itself.