Pearl - the Student

Pearl - 真珠 - (no longer resident of the Abode)

Doll info:

Pearl has left the Abode

Company : Neo Angel region (Soom)

Type : Fair Girl

Model : Aida

Resin colour : Normal Skin Tone

Height : 58cm

Sex : Girl

Order date : 2010-06-16

Arrival date: 2010-07-05

Leave date: 2012-04-07

Wig : Luts blond vawe

Eyes : N07 nighthag (14mm) silicon

Face-up : Original

Name: Pearl or 真珠; (Shinju) normally caller Pearl

Plane of origin: Imperial Earth

Occupation/Rank : Student


Age : 14

Sexuality: Developing, but she is still a child

Relations: None

Personality: Somewhat shy, but get things done when left to herself. She is a philosopher and romantic at heart. She can be somewhat of a besserwisser and hates to be wrong, which is why she makes an effort to find things out.

Discipline: Thought, Studies philosophy

Weapon of choice: None

Blood type and/or star sign: O

Likes: To have fun, to read and to dream

Dislikes: Politics and persons who try to force their ideas on her

Biography: She has spent her most recent school years in a Japanese girl school. She is very secretive about her mother and father, but she is somehow related to Ren and Lady Li, but so far none of them have given a clue to how they are related.

Gemstone of choice: Pearls