Sources of inspiration

Sources of inspiration :

Lists are far from complete, I just don't know where to start...

People: All those in the hobby who continue to inspire me, without all of you I would never have come this far. I'll refrain from listing you all, afraid that I might forget someone, the list is very long. But be sure, you have my heartfelt thanks.

Role-playing Games like Dungeons & Dragons, Runequest and others.

Fantasy art: Frank Frazetta, Boris Vallejo, Brian Froud, Arthur Rackham, Patrick Woodroffe and Rossetti, just to name a few.

Literature: Don't really know where to begin, some of the inspiration is actually listed, directly or indirectly, in the library of the Abode. But here are a few more.

Northern Lights by Philip Pullman

The Magician's nephew by C. S. Lewis

Another fine myth by Robert Lynn Asprin

Fantasy film and Anime:

Spirited Away, and several other works by Studio Ghibli



The Forbidden Kingdom

Comics and Manga:

xxxHolic by CLAMP

3D renders of some characters before I started with BJD:

(there are more within the site)


