Alma Dragonsoul

Alma “Anima Draconis” - Captain of the Guard

Doll info:

Company : Domuya

Type : D1-Flexi Perennial

Model Resin colour : Light Tan Skin Tone

Height : 64cm

Sex : Girl

Order date : 2008-05-24

Arrival Date : 2008-06-30 (!)

Wig : Silver (original), but usually have different black wigs

Eyes : Blue-gray acrylic

Face-up: Domuya’s original face-up

Other : Full-set with armour and weapon (lance)

Name: Alma “Anima Draconis”, also known as ”Kirin” by her equals. The title Dragon-soul is not only an epithet, it holds a larger truth than most think.

Plane of origin: Hyperborea

Occupation/Rank: Military, Captain, last known position as Captain of the guard

Birth day Age: About 27 years by the looks.

Sexuality: Bisexual, she has a weakness for barbarians and beautiful aristocratic girls.

Relations: None for the moment (not counting her ”sister in arms” Bel.

Personality: ”We (my people), are born in silence, fight in silence and die in silence. We are those who fight when all others have fallen or fled the battlefield. We are the last true warriors, and when the evening falls, will we either lie dead on top of our enemies, or prepare for a new battle. But while we wait for the new battle to begin, we love life, and all its good things, with the unyielding heat of those who knows that their last day can be tomorrow, not even death can take this love from us”.

Discipline: Battle and Fire magic

Weapon of choice: Depending on circumstance, often katana for its grace, a bladed pole-arm for battle, a Baretta when going modern, or an automatic carbine when called for. She is proficient with a large variety of weapons. When cornered she will use her "breath of fire" combined with fireballs.

Blood type and/or star sign: ”My blood is red, as is the blood of both my enemies and lovers”, ”We are born and we die under the same stars”

Likes: A good time now and then.

Dislikes: Demons and demon-kin

Gemstone of choice: Red Rutile and Haematite

Biography : She is born as a warrior, in a mountain village, and raised as a shield-maid from young age (she was seven in her first battle). She showed a surprising level of agility and strength for a young woman, so when she reached her teens, she was initiated into full warrior status. She became a ranger and incorporated into a group (consisting of several others with skills inherited from non-humans relations) specializing in surprise attacks on advancing foes and to secure retreats of the main troops. This group of warriors where the first to engage in battle, the last to leave the battlefield, and not to seldom the last creatures standing when the battle was over*. She met Bel during one of these military campaigns, and after a an incident that none of them would have survived without the other, they formed a blood sisterhood. They are both among the last of a handful of survivors after this great battle (that both often refer to as the “Last Battle” or "Last Stand"), all of whom never thought that anybody would survive the night and the onslaught. Even if she and Bel often speaks about their military, if you try to ask them about this time, both will be silent and leave the room. Alma has an inherited ability for magic that makes her a formidable enemy, she will use it to increase her speed and strength in battle, and she can handle and control fire as a weapon when needed. She is proficient with weapons from different times and places in an almost intuitive way.

She have a hatred against warlocks and demons, based largely on her experiences from the battlefield (and especially the “Last battle”), but have decided to learn more about magic to be able to meet these fears.

Biology and other thing about her: She is of dragon blood, three generations hence, the result of a relation between a dragon and human. From this she inherited the ability to handle magic, and several other abilities of dragon kin (such as great agility, being able to generate and handle fire, good night-sight and regeneration). The fact that she often was the last man standing, or surviving, on a battlefield, might be due to these circumstances. Another effect of her heritage is that she ages more slowly than normal humans. There may be several other traits that are not yet known (or admitted by Alma). Other things of interest: Among the few things she fear are demons, and will avoid such creatures at any cost. She is something of a party creature, and loves to show off (in something she likes to call high style), she really can behave like a lady when need arises, although this ladylike manners quickly deteriorates when the party gets going. This aspect is as far from her soldier being as is possible, she is extrovert, noisy and extremely pushy at times. When she gets drunk she usually get into telling stories of slaying dragons and chasing barbarians, which is not even close to ladylike (and not at all fitted for any real lady’s ears). The stories seems to span several millennia of warfare and at least one alternate reality, so people tend to not believe to much of what she tells (would you believe somebody who claims to have fought barbarians on a campaign in Thule, battled dragons in the Terra Australia, been in the Boer war, and was a secret agents in the cold war?), however she seldom lies even if she might exaggerate...

When armoured she either wear dark leather armour with bronze guards, or a scale mail of silvery gold (her parade mail), she usually have a thin chain mail as west or as undergarment.

Her weapons are the halberd of desolation, lance and sword. In modern settings she is usually equipped with a Baretta handgun, or an M14 rifle.

*Excerpt from the Dirge of Glory - Memories of the Towers

- The ramparts would soon fall to the enemy. It was just a matter of time. We knew they will come at dawn.

The main body of the allied forces had already drawn far back from the front. Only the "Towers" where left behind the barricades. Their orders: Defend it to the death.

These men and women, who had gone from battlefield to battlefield, knew exactly what that meant.

We where supposed to be their shield, performing our final service for our lords, our generals and our King.

Not that it really mattered any more, we have always been our own masters.

The night is dark and we sit in silence.

Words are useless in the battlefield. We take up our weapons in silence, we fight in silence, we kill the enemy - or is killed by him - in silence. All of us, all "Towers" here have lived this way.

The captain make signs to get ready, the sun will soon rise and the enemy awaits, now we will go out to storm them. They will never reach the barricades...