
My dearest Opal...

Brooding in the garden under the afternoon sun...


Beautiful as a summer evening, hair as silk, velvet skin and horns shining like mother of pearl...


So my dear, why so gloomy?


- Say one more word and I'll throw up on you!


- You don't get the whole picture...


- Heavy and uncomfortable...


- A situation I never thought would occur...


- So I ask...


- Will you take responsibility?


One would guess that she got her answer, and that somebody will take responsibility...

So is it a sign of victory, or is she trying to tell us that there are two...

- Now, can you please leave me alone...Later in the Magicians Abode, in the Hyperborean sectors pavilion, some of the other residents gather.An unofficial investigation is under way, after the it became rumoured that Opal really is pregnant...Opal will not give any comment, and nobody is foolish enough to try and stain her hoofs with their blood by asking her once again...So led by Bel, the interrogation goes on:Bel: I'm not interested in cute girls, so I am out of the questions. Sus, we know that you had an affair with her, what do you have to say in your defence.Sus: By my grandmother the Spider, I swear that it was totally platonic!Bel: Alma?Alma: You are kidding me, I wouldn't go near her for anything in the world.Bel: Shade, you always follow her around, are you involved?Shade: My interests in her is not such...Bel: Shiomi? Do you have anything to say?Shiomi: ...Bel: Speak up girl!Shiomi: She is so precious, so beautiful, my lady... But her secrets are hers alone, and I would not speak of them... And the great honour was not my either.Bel: Well then, then we have...Tomomi: Isn't this investigation missing some vital point? I mean isn't it supposed to be a man we are looking for?Alma: Shows how much you know...Bel: But, point taken: Ren?Ren: Who? Me? No way, I am not that prone to die!Bel: What if she wanted the father alive...Ni-Chang: I think he is referring to what I would do...After some further discussion, the results where only even more confusing, and none seems to be the father...So who was it that she wanted should take responsibility...At least Calandra have taken the responsibility and been accepted as midwife...