
Elowyn - The scatterbrain know-it-all or the simpleton genius

"I'm looking for Erin, you know, the one with the large ears standing out like this, can you show me where she is?"
Now don't be mean, I like her ears, really! Now, I am sure I said she was to meet me here...""She went on an important errand you say?"

Doll info:

Company : Supia

Type : Muriel

Model : 65cm new double jointed

Skin colour : Normal skin

Height : 65cm

Sex : female

Order date : October 2019

Arrival date : August 2020

Wig :

Eyes : Default

Face-up : Original face-up

Other details : Full body blushing

Name: Elowyn

Plane of origin: Avalone or possibly Sylvan Earth


Birthday: Unknown

Age: Unknown

Sexuality: Yes, at least dreams of it.

Relations: She really adores Erendil

Personality: Friendly, social, even if she appears a bit silly, she actually can impress when she really tries.

Discipline: Force focus and Mana manipulation

Weapon of choice: Magic

Blood type and/or star sign: Sagittarius

Likes: High fantasy, preferably ones where the heroine is abducted and has to suffer unspeakable things...

Dislikes: Boring people with know-it-all attitude

Biography: A slightly scatter-brained elf. Despite this, she is actually a great asset when she gets down to it and is not easily distracted from whatever she is doing. However, she can make remarks that will stun most people, sometimes so that they wonder if she even thinks before talking, other times so that they are stunned by her insight into complex matters. She might be a genius, but her behaviour often is that of a halfwit. Erendil is sure that she just uses it to put people off guard.

She adores Erendil beyond anything else.

Settled in in the Sylvan Pavilion

Gemstone of choice: Chrysoberyl

Other notes of importance: She has a fascination when it comes to certain fantasy tales. She is the type who have wet dreams about being captured by goblins or orcs, who want to do unspeakable things to her, often with an element of BDSM fantasy. Her fascination with those things is disturbing to say the least.

"I am not stupid!" - "Was just thinking about something else..." - "What was your name again?"