Li Nichang - Jade Dragon

Lady Li Nichang (夫人李霓裳), aka Fūrén Li Láilái (夫人李來來), aka Jade Rakshasa(玉羅剎)

Doll info:

Company : IpleHouse

Type : EID

Model : Asa

Specials : limited

Resin colour : Realskin

Height : 68cm

Sex : female

Order date : 2010-03-12 (a couple of minutes after her release)

Arrival date : 010-05-12

Wig : White from Leeke, or long black Hime-cut from Leeke

Eyes : Iplehouse brown 12mm

Face-up : Mayo-chan

Other details : Full body blushing with dragon tattoo

Name: Lady Li Nichang (夫人李霓裳), Fūrén Li Láilái (夫人李來來) by some, and Nushi Li LaiLai (女士 李來來) by others. Also goes by the name Lóng nǚ (Dragon lady) in some circles (and a few dearly regrets that they called her Èmó nǚ (恶魔女) behind her back).

In old times (late Ming dynasty) she was nicknamed Jade Luocha (玉羅剎) (alternatively read "Jade Rakshasa")

Plane of origin: Imperial Earth

Occupation/Rank: Lady, The Master (and menace) of Jianghu

Birthday: unknown

Age: Old - records go back to the late reign of emperor Wanli (late Ming dynasty).

Sexuality: yes, straight

Relations: Have been married to 蓮 and a daughter (真珠).

Personality: Shifty and sometimes volatile, although most of the time she behaves like a true lady

Discipline: Water and fire magic, is classified as a "Warlock" under the name "The white-haired witch"

Weapon of choice: Swords and sword-whip but foremost she use qinggong in a fight

Blood group, Star sign: O-, the Dragon

Likes: The mountains

Dislikes: Frauds, deceivers and cheaters, people who have betrayed her, and people who lie.

Biography: According to legend she was raised by wolves as an infant, and then adopted by a Master of Martial Arts. Rumour have it that she is more than four hundred years old, having hunted the Jianghu mountains since the end of the Ming dynasty. She occasionally takes a lover/husband to relieve her of the memory of her love lost, although it takes it's toll on the lover/husband to always be seen as a substitute (and perhaps the rumour that she skinned one of her men alive after she found out that he had cheated on her).

Gemstone of choice: Jade

Other things about her: Though beautiful in appearance, she is deadly, her sword movements are extremely brutal and aggressive. She also meters out draconian punishments and torturous deaths to her enemies, causing her to be seen as a menacing demoness in the Jianghu. She was once raven-haired, but when she was betrayed by her greatest love her hair turned white with sorrow