Kandra - precocious princess

Kandra - All sugar and spice, naughty and nice. (Kandra from the age of nine)

Doll info:

Company : IpleHouse

Type : JIDgirl

Model : Amy

Resin colour : Glow Normal

Height : 43cm

Sex : female

Order date : 2019-04-03

Arrival date : 2019-06-05

Face-up : Iple request

Name: Kandra (Her real name that only Opal knows is equal with "Luminescent Moon child"), pronounced Kandra ("luminescent") but prefers to call herself princess Kandra.

Plane of origin: The Abode - Born by Opal in the Abode (room adjacent to the Shrine)

Occupation/Rank: Girl - despite her mother being a succubus, she is a almost perfectly normal human girl, according to her mother.

Birthday: Novembris MMDCCLXIV ab urbe condita,

Age: she is 10 years old (MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c.)

Sexuality: Having read a lot about it, in the hidden section, she wants to explore it, but Shade have held her back. But yes, she have begun to take interest in boys.

Relations: Mother Opal, Her governesses (Shade and Lir), the Shinju girls, Gokicha, friends from school and the boys

Personality: She is outgoing and adventurous, precocious and curious. She is a bit haughty and presents herself as Princess Kandra, whitout any claim to such a title, claiming that her mother is far above any such wordly title, so the least she is worth is being called a princess. Shade and Lir managed to get her registered to her girls school as royalty, saying that she was studying there incognito. They also set her up in an impressive house connected to one of the town-houses in the Abode. Thanks to the Shinju girls, she have an unending supply of toys, electronic tools, manga and weird ideas.

Discipline: Charm, Age Manipulation

Weapon of choice: Charm, wit, memory manipulation and her Governess

Likes: Books, especially those hidden ones… And then there are those boys...

Dislikes: Those who tell her what to do and not to do, and those who all the time tell her that she is to young to do what she wants...

Biography: Around the age of six she began to explore more dangerous things and by this time some of her inherited demon powers also began to show, even if they are just small traits compared to real demons. Despite this Opal still consider her to be a normal human girl, arguing that there are after all humans who have strange abilities as well "Just look around in the Abode". Nobody have argued her argument so far.

She began in school, outside the Abode, the autumn she became six years (Opal thought it important that she have a normal upbringing), she was cared for by Calandra and Shiomi. During the primary school years Shade was her guardian, sometimes helped by Lir. Later Lir was appointed her main guardian by Opal and around that time Gokicha volunteered to act as a foreign exchange student to keep her company and keep watch on her, in school. The reason for this will be discussed elsewhere...

Gemstone of choice: Moonstone, an iridescent version almost unknown on Earth

Other things about her: Already at the age of eight years, and younger, she can wield some quite powerful magic:

  • Charm: She can influence targets and make them take her side in an argument or make them do her bidding, she can also plant suggestions to make the unsuspecting victim follow her will or even command people when the former methods wont work. To her great chagrin it does not seem to work on residents of the Abode.

  • Sleep: She can lull people into sleep and make them dream according to her whim using her suggestive power.

  • Anamnesis manipulation: In its simplest form the caster can erase the memory of the last few minutes for those in within range (Amnesia/forget-spell). When used more carefully and by a caster able to master suggestion, memory can be changed in a more subtle way. The more subtle the change is, the longer back the memory can be affected. Can be used to make a target believe that events where just dreams.

  • Age manipulation: A rare magic allowing the caster to age or rejuvenate bodily, including changing body proportions, size and mass. The effect is temporary, lasting a few hours and range is about one third her age in any direction. She kept this ability a secret for a long time, using it to sneak out of school. The last picture above show her in her pretending to be around 10 years in spring MMDCCLXXII a.u.c. (when she was seven)

About her name:


A girl beyond description. If this rare caliber of person is found, one may try to tell her how amazing she is but would trail off and become lost in her deep eyes during their frail attempt at the impossible. Every single feature is an absolutely impeccable asset. The closest synonym to describe her body is Aphrodite, however this still only gives the vaguest sense of her beauty; and of that beauty, only outer, which, although indescribable, falls low on the scale when compared to that of her personality. Her mind. Her heart. All that is inside.