Urania, Ceremonial Magic of the Goddess

Cover art from first edition, 1983

Neptune Press edition of "Urania" reprinted for Cesara Publications, 1996

Please click on the links below to view the Introduction and Individual Rites

Introduction - Urania, Ceremonial Magic of the Goddess

Part I. Cosmic Magic

Space Magic

Time Magic

Part II. Elemental Magic

Sun Magic of the Life Force

Lunar Magic of the Tides

Earth Magic of Transformation

Part III. Planetary Magic

Magic of Mars and the Morrigan

Magic of Venus and Vishnu

Magic of Mercury and Sophia

Magic of Jupiter and Hathor

Magic of Saturn and Astarte

Magic of Uranus and Sarasvati

Magic of Neptune and Ngame

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Note: The first edition of the Urania booklet listed the ritual "Lunar Magic of the Tides" as "Moon Magic of the Tides". The ritual "Earth Magic of Transformation" was titled "Earth Magic of Transmutation".