Ishtar Rite 5. White Transformation

Ishtar of the Starry Heavens

Shape-Shifting of the Alchemical Twins

Fellowship of Isis Liturgy by Olivia Robertson

White Transformation

Ritual No. 5

To Surrender All is to Gain All

The Octagonal Temple of Alchemy

Priestess Alchemist: (To Twin Apprentices Aiden and Elaine) To endure the infinite Light of transfiguration, you need to invoke the Goddess Mumuna.

Priest Alchemist: Divine Mumuna, Great Mother Who Made us All, Who presideth over the snowy heights and protecteth every hidden creature that longs for Light, help us in our quest for Illumination.


Lost in the mighty glacier and thick snows of this earth are the hallowed relics of that which was and presages that which shall be. You long for spiritual illumination and follow practices to bring about your alchemical renewal. But the way is hard for you. You need to reverse your previous spiral of ascent, your intellectuality, your thought systems, your pride in the achievements of your minds.

What you have won is praiseworthy. But now you face the immanent destruction of nature herself through your own very success in changing atoms. For you misuse the powers of earth and fire and water and air for your own immediate well-being, to the detriment of the other species dwelling upon this earth. This could bring about not only your own destruction, but that of your very planet.

However, it is not the will of the Deities that this should come about! You may destroy the human race for this is your right. You are endowed with freedom of choice. But be assured that the rest of evolving life is under the protection of our mighty Wings. Humble yourself and in your emptiness you will receive new bodies of Light.

Priestess Alchemist: Thanks are given to the Goddess Mumuna.

Priest Alchemist: (To Aiden) You feel compassion for the peoples of Australia who after thousands of years face the erosion of their way of life. But rather you need to face Dream Time that you may yourself awaken, as do we all, from this playground of the world! You may enter the undiscovered territory of the constellation Piscis Australis, presided over by the Goddess Mumuna. In the Temple of the Stars, pass through its Portal. We shall be with you but not aid you. If you are able, report to us in your trance.

Trance Journey

Aiden: I find my way to the Temple of the Stars though it seems to be half lost in mist! Within I see the center flame burning brightly. I find my way to the Portal of Piscis Australis, and it too is veiled in white mist … I discern the form of a dark-haired, fish-tailed Goddess on the left of the doorway, and on the right is the form of a black fish-tailed man holding a spear. Above are depicted three silver fishes, entwined amidst an indigo sea. The veils concealing the entrance are blowing as if from a wind within *** I pass through. What a surprise! I expected a wild waste of wind and water *** instead I am in a modern office!

There are men and women casually dressed at various computers. They don’t seem aware of me but I listen to them…. At first their talk is harmless – even cheerful. But then they become serious. They have some project of drawing oil from some desolate region, but are being held up by the presence of inhabitants living there, whom they discuss with what I think is disrespect. Their very existence may be in danger if this project goes ahead. They discuss moving these inhabitants but agree there is nowhere suitable for them to go.

I don’t usually get as excited as Elaine over injustice, but now I am enraged! I find myself shooting through desolate regions of ice and snow. I can hardly see. But at last I make out the shadowy forms of the people I wish to save who seem unaware of their danger. Suddenly my attention is drawn to a fuel storage depot at the edge of a glacier. If I could ignite this fuel, it would displace a glacier and destroy any access to the oil. I know I have the power to cause this explosion, though there could be a risk.

First I have to rescue the people beyond the glacier to a safe snowfield. They seem very inert and slow to move *** I find it hard to persuade them to come but finally I shepherd them to safety. Then with a great outpouring breath – I cause the ignition of the fuel. It creates a gigantic rift – and I realize that I have cut these people off from any further contact with the rest of the human race… It was my choice. Was I right?

From very far away I hear a laugh. Is this the voice of Mumuna? Or my friend the red-haired Witch? Now she is speaking. “Don’t worry! They won’t miss people. They are penguins. And so are you!”

Suddenly I realize I am some sort of evolved penguin. With this shock, I am back with you all.

End of Trance Journey

The Companions agree that through Aiden’s hard work during the year and his mystic journey, he has attained his alchemical degree. Thanks are given to the Deities. All send forth rays of Healing for our earth and all her creatures.

End of Rite

Sources: “Ocean Mythology: The Myths of Polynesia, Micronesia, Melanesia and Australia”, Roslyn Poignant, Paul Hamlyn Publishing Group, Ltd., London, 1967. “Larousse World Mythology”, Pierre Grimal, editor, Paul Hamlyn Publishing Group, Ltd., London, 1965. “Rites & Symbols of Initiation: The Mysteries of Birth and Rebirth”, Mircea Eliade (author), William R. Task (translator), Harper Torch Books, Harper & Row Publishers, New York, NY, 1958. “God the Mother, The Creatress and Giver of Life”, Lawrence Durdin-Robertson, M.A., Cesara Publications, Clonegal Castle, Ireland, 1984.

Note: Used in all rites of “Ishtar of the Starry Heavens, Shape-Shifting of the Alchemical Twins” - “Star Names, Their Lore and Meaning” by Richard Hinckley Allen, first published G. S. Stechert, 1899, republished by Dover Publications, New York, 1963. The Mr. Jorkens series by Lord Dunsany (“The Travel Tales of Mr. Joseph Jorkens,” (1931), “Mr. Jorkens Remembers Africa,” (1934), “Jorkens Has a Large Whiskey,” (1940), “The Fourth Book of Jorkens,” (1947), “Jorkens Borrows Another Whiskey,” (1954), “The Last Book of Jorkens,” prepared for publication in 1957, finally published in 2002)