Tara - IV. Portal of Cancer: Introduction & Rites

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IV. Portal of Cancer

Introduction: Even the Gods Obey the Fates

Rite 1. The Victory

Rite 2. Kwan Yin and Her Jade Dragon

Fellowship of Isis Liturgy


Olivia Robertson

Tara of the Oracles

The Alchemical Twins Face the Fates

The Octagonal Temple of Alchemy

IV. Portal of Cancer: Introduction to Rituals One and Two

Even the Gods Obey the Fates

During these interesting times of Global Warming, Financial Meltdown and global violence, so many of us wonder should we be on our knees in penitence for having trashed our lovely Earth; or standing up bravely for our values – or simply enter the beautiful Many Coloured Land of our visions – with an exciting climax in 2012!

To pay honour to the moment, I offer three of my prophetic visions. The first I choose was in the New Year of 1947. At that time – I was 29 – I knew nothing of the religion of the Goddess. As a Protestant I had been brought up to avoid Catholic “Mariolatry”. So what happened came as a revelation.

In vision at night, I found an angelic guide drawing me to a Catholic church. Before me on a pedestal was a statue of the Virgin Mary, in the form I had been told was “bad art” – a cheap Brussels mass-made figure, which was all that poor people could afford – in blue robe and white gown. My Guide told me that artificial flowers could be added if I chose! I felt the appropriate cultural disapproval….

Then I saw a mighty white Cone of White Light descending from the heavens with its point descending upon the head of the figure. I heard the three beat music of Sibelius’ “Danse Macabre.” The Guide said: “This is the mightiest Power in the Universe. It is “The Sophia – Truth”.

To my amazement, the luminous Cone descended through the figure which became alive. She was a living being, a woman with very long chestnut colour hair, in a beautiful blue robe over a white gown. But what startled me was that she was wearing a black mask over her eyes. As I watched she descended from her pedestal, and glided out of the church. She crossed from Ireland to England and from thence into the world.

I asked: “What does this mean?”

The reply came: “Good for the virtuous. Bad for the wicked.”

“Why do you show this Nemesis as a very young girl?”

“Because she represents the abused principle. She is totally weak, so she is completely powerful.”

I relate this as inspiration from the stars.

The second prophecy I choose came later, on Sunday 20th July 1985. I feel it belongs to the Sun. I found myself in a large hall facing a group of people headed by a tall dark woman. She drew a black veil over the lower part of her face, like a yashmak. I was required to answer the three riddles of the Sphinx.

The first riddle concerned the rising of the Sun. I drew my hands down to the ground and raised them. My reply was: “Goodness comes from the Earth.”

The second riddle was: “What is the meaning of the Sun at noon?”

I lifted my arms and brought them downwards. “We need to lift ourselves up and receive life from the Divine Source.”

The last riddle was: “What does the setting of the Sun signify? Is this fortunate or misfortunate?”

“This relates to the decline of the old world, and the hope of the Great Awakening of the New Aeon. As with all Divine happenings, there are two sides. It will bring good fortune to those worthy of it; misfortune to those who oppose Deity.”

I note that a change in the rising and setting of the Sun may relate to a possible axis shift of the earth.

I find most meaningful a recent prophecy that I connect with our Earth. At night on the 28th July 2005, I found myself in our Temple of Isis, between the Leo Shrine and the old dungeon, now Cave of the Mothers. There appeared above me a shelf and on it were 3 small Voodoo figures that I had bought in New Orleans. Suddenly, towering above me on my right appeared a black robed woman – so high I could not see her face. I found myself saying: “Shall I go on my knees?” I received a reply in a woman’s strong deep voice: “I am not an executioner.”

I was aware I was holding a large decorated book by Dion Fortune, author of “Sea Priestess” and “Moon Magic.” So I thought this dark Goddess was The Orrthe figure, our Irish Morrigan.

A week or so later, when the Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans, I decided the Goddess was the African Sea Deity Yemaya. Was I offering to go on my knees to save the city? The words “I am not an executioner” meant that ‘She’ was not punishing people. Retribution from the inhuman cruelties of the slave trade had inevitable retribution through the workings of The Fates. Cruelty in one life leads to payment deferred to another lifetime when the soul is ready to repent.

Pondering on the tragic history of Ireland, I remember the words of an Irish woman, when I asked was she upset by the loss of the riches brought by the Celtic Tiger.

“Not a bit,” she replied cheerfully. “We Irish are used to being poor. We remember the famine.”

Tara of the Oracles

The Alchemical Twins Face the Fates

Fellowship of Isis Liturgy by Olivia Robertson

IV. Portal of Cancer

The Victory

Ritual No. 1

The Wise Ruler Heeds the Inner Voice

The Octagonal Temple of Alchemy

Priest Alchemist (to twin apprentices Aiden and Elaine): “To learn to listen to the inner voice, we need to invoke the Goddess Themis, who whispers in the ear of the God Zeus.”

Priest Alchemist (raises sceptre): “Holy Themis, greater than the great, Voice of the Silence, be with us and with your wisdom guide us to prepare for the New Aeon.”


“You have the voice of wisdom within yourselves if you will but heed it. Every being, every creature, has a fractal of Divine Source. There is no God, no Goddess, Who has not a Being greater than themselves in the Cosmos. When Divine Guidance is ignored because of limited awareness, the soul is cut off from true Being. More and more outer power is sought because the source of Power is blocked – not by the Deities, but by limited egotism.

The more any individual being seeks power for him or herself, this indicates that the person – however splendid seeming – is in fact weak. Those who demand love have lost love within themselves. Happiness cannot be found by any outside training or practice, or even outer belief. Be wise and happy now – and this extends throughout your time and space.

My counsel is for you to create your own sacred space, which unites both Heaven and Earth within even the corner of a room. You will find eternity in a butterfly you release from battering itself against your window. As you gain in awareness through contemplation, you will hear my voice through the wind and through the flow of water, for you will be heeding your own true Self.

Priest Alchemist: “Thanks is given to the Goddess Themis.”

Priestess Alchemist (to Aiden): “Aiden, you often lament that the poet, the musician, the artist – such as yourself – have no real effect to help the outer world. Men are expected to be active – to direct – to make decisions and to act upon them. You may find your answer. Will you learn to act with courage, by facing the challenge of the Portal of Cancer?

Aiden: “If this cures me of reluctance to act in case I may be mistaken, I will face the ordeal.”


Priest Alchemist (shows Aiden tarot card): “Describe this card.”

Aiden (examines card): “It is numbered IIII in the Marsailles pack – Number of Jupiter. It is entitled “L’Empereur.” An enthroned Emperor is holding aloft the symbol of earthly rulership, the equal-armed cross of the 4 elements over the Orb. Emblazoned on a shield is an heraldic eagle. I notice the Emperor is in the Adept pose – his right leg crossed over the left.

Priestess Alchemist: “This is your emblem. As you enter trance, we will be with you but not help you.

Trance Journey

Aiden: “Eagerly I climb the hill to reach the Temple of the Zodiac. As I draw near it towers over me in majesty. I had not noticed before its magnificent architecture. I enter. I pay my respects to the altar of the Goddess Vesta with Her fire which is present in all that is…All here is so clear, so comprehensible. Easily I find the Portico of Cancer.

*** What a warm climate here! This is a lovely landscape – as I imagine Arcadia. There are pleasant meadows and small hills crowned with groves. Happy young men and women in Greek costume are making garlands for some festive occasion. I can understand them somehow. A stately matron informs me that they are preparing for the choice of a new King, to be appointed by the Olympians.

I notice now that they are making procession – old and young – towards a dazzlingly lovely Temple, its columns painted red, surmounted by gilded pediments. It looks like the Parthenon, but more graceful and ethereal. I ask apprehensively are there to be animal sacrifices? There are often some snags to these proceedings… But they say I am in Elysium where there is no death.

I am led into the Temple where the Deities are assembled. I recognise most of Them: Hermes with his caduceus, Pallas with her helmet, Hera with her peacock – and above all, the God of the Temple, Great Mighty Zeus, the Thunderer.

Hermes steps forward and amazes me. He declares that I am to be the divinely appointed King of some island or other. Do I accept?

I do. I feel I could make a sensible king with my modern ideas. I might even introduce some elementary technology. Harmless of course, like electricity for peaceful purposes, like lighting. I gather the island is on the physical plane of ancient Greece.

Suddenly I am held by two stalwart men-at-arms, their faces shielded by gold masks. I ask why? I have accepted the Kingship task. I don’t like the way one of them laughs…

I am dragged along a tunnel leading downwards*** The guards release their grip – and I find myself back in a throne-room. Someone is giving me a glass of wine with a reference to my “falling sickness” – whatever that is.

Yes – I am King! I am wearing an uncomfortable crown that is hurting my forehead. Round my waist is a heavy jewelled belt with a cumbersome sword attached to it. There is a noisy throng around me demanding Justice!

There are two principal complainants – a powerful looking soldier with a black beard and some foreign looking helmet. He is telling me that the merchants and nobles are pushing his tribe into the sea by heavy taxes from a tyrannical government. The other group are represented by a crafty looking individual in rich robes, holding a parchment. I’d recognise a lawyer anywhere. He is speaking smoothly. Apparently he is financing the prosperity of the island through foreign trade. Imported goods were cheaper – I was to give the decision – to be enforced by an alarming lot of guards fully armed, surrounding my throne. Apparently they are my relatives.

Suddenly I am determined to give judgement, and to act upon it. It is my chance to show what I can do. I declare that the two tribes, island and foreign, are to get together and debate the issues in a fair-minded way.

Even as I speak the words “fair-minded” I enter an altered state of consciousness. I am elated. The people heed my words. This is Victory. To give Olympian confirmation, I feel a stinging pain brought on by a flash of light – this must be the famous ‘Lightning-flash of Zeus!’

Triumphant, I find myself once more in Elysium facing the Olympians.

“Congratulations,” says Zeus, heartily. “You have achieved success. The contending tribes have made peace. The priests have declared you a God. Now you are one of Us.”

I am pleased but puzzled, and exclaim – “I hardly had time to say anything!”

“Enough!” says Mercury. “You were assassinated! One of your subjects stuck a dagger in your back.”

In shock, I awake from trance. Do I get my degree? After all, as a King I did nothing. I’m more useful as an artist.”

Priestess Hierophant: “That was the lesson. Do you understand it?

Aiden declares he will only accept the degree when he does understand it. Reports are shared. Thanks are given to the Deities.

Sources: Greek Poetry. Pindar’s “Elysium.” “Theogany,” Hesiod. Everyman. Harvard. “The Homeric Hymns.” Harvard. “Return to Elysium,” Joan Grant, Methuen

Tara of the Oracles

The Alchemical Twins Face the Fates

Fellowship of Isis Liturgy by Olivia Robertson

IV. Portal of Cancer

Kwan Yin and Her Jade Dragon

Ritual No. 2

The Shadows of the Deities are Manifest on Earth

The Octagonal Temple of Alchemy

Priestess Alchemist (to twin apprentices, Aiden and Elaine): To endure with honesty the changing faces of the Goddess and the God, we need to explore Heaven where They reign and earth where they cast Their shadows. We need to invoke the Goddess Kwan Yin, Bodhisattva, One Who incarnates on earth, Bestower of Compassion, but also Destroyer of evil in Her dragon form.

Priest Alchemist (raises staff): Holy Kwan Yin Who art adored throughout our earth for your mercy and goodness, Protectress of the weak, reveal to us the mystery of your Dragon form, that we may know why You are divine!


In Heaven I appear as I truly am, naked, Light personified, emerging from the holy darkness of Aditi. When I hear cries of anguish from those who are tortured, whether human or animal on any planet, I manifest in changing form appearing. As I descend the spheres I am clothed in the garments bestowed upon Me by suppliants. Artists portray Me as you would have Me. Finally – when I descend to the seventh hell, the planetary plane of good and evil, you only see my shadow. It is thus with all Deities.

What appears to you as evil and terrifying is in reality over-mastering delusion. You kill your enemy – yet he is not dead – and returns in the cycles of time to destroy you. All you do, whether good or evil, returns to you as you pass from life to life. On the planetary level of earthly matter, your experiences are divided into that which helps you find your true Self and that which opposes your Awakening. Thus I may manifest as a Dragon which destroys evil. Know that nothing good is lost. Evil is only what is unnecessary, and thus its energy may be transferred for further growth.

In verity Goddess and Dragon are One. Deities contain Their shadows. Be whole. Heaven and Earth are One. I am at your Beginning and at your End.

Priest Alchemist: We give thanks to the Goddess Kwan Yin for her Oracle.

Priest Alchemist (to Elaine): Elaine, you find it hard to accept the existence of evil, and why the Deities permit cruelty and abuse, especially to the young and vulnerable – children and animals. Are you willing to face the Ordeal of the Jade Dragon, and so understand this mystery?

Elaine: My need is so great I will face the ordeal.

Priest Alchemist: So be it. We shall be with you, but may not help you. (shows Elaine card) Describe this Tarot card!

Elaine (examines card): This is the Marsaille deck number XIII, “Le Pendue”. It is like “L’Empereur” in reverse. The Emperor has his right leg crossed over his left, as if to step forward. But the Hanged Man has his right leg behind his left, thus inhibiting movement. He is hanging upside down from two trees, each with six sawn off branches. However, when I reverse the card, he is perfectly happy, his left leg balanced on a plant – not the hang man’s rope. The trees now have green foliage. The colours of his suit are blue, red and yellow, with 9 buttons and two half moon pockets. Earthly power is transformed into spiritual beauty through the gateway of voluntary death.

Priest Alchemist: You are ready to enter trance state.

Trance Journey

Elaine: Thoughtfully I am ascending the hill of the Zodiac. I enter and there is soft music. I look around and find the Portal of Cancer. Oh, how beautiful it is. It is a Moon Gate, with the Sun above it, its rays reaching to right and left. On the right is a mighty ocean bordered by high shining towers. In the sky are space-ships.

On the left is another ocean and bordering it are lovely islands with golden temples, and palm trees – and there are many coloured birds flying overhead. I pass through the veil that hangs over the entrance. ****

I find myself in an Oriental Garden with hanging lanterns. There are men and women, young and old, busy creating miniature landscapes, laid out on trays. I know that making miniature houses is one of the world’s most popular hobbies – but feel that this is pretty childish. I wander around at will, for no-one stops me.

Ah yes – silly of me – as usual, they can’t see me. Am I in the future?

I jump when my thought is answered at once. A smiling young man who looks Polynesian comes up. I like his sarong which is covered with a painting of tropical fish. But then I notice he is standing behind a Greek portico.

“No, Elaine,” he says, “You are not in the future. Yet in a sense you are. You are in the workshop of The Creators.”

I feel sudden awe. These must be the Gods. Yet somehow I thought that the Gods never did any work. They just gave commands.

The young man laughs. He has picked up my thought. “This is so on your earth,” he says, “But not here. This is the place where the blue-prints of earths are formed. You could say that planetary matter, whether biological or chemical, is our raw material. We blend it like clay into desired shapes. Then through pride and love if what we have created is good – we infuse it with life.”

A young woman joins us. “You could call us the Olympians,” she says, “Or - whatever you like! In Greece we used marble, which is pretty expressionless, but it was all there was. We painted our temples and statues to cheer them up - but now you seem to like them as white soap.”

A young man with black hair joins us. “We were much luckier in Egypt,” he says, indicating a Pharaoh in his hand. Is it wriggling? I hope it isn’t alive. “Not yet,” he replies quickly, “It’s not animated yet. Limestone presents its own mighty forms. We just drew forth what was already there – as did Michelangelo in your renaissance.”

“How do you get your creations onto the earth?” I ask. “We don’t. It’s all there already. Human artists, musicians and sculptors carry out our visions. Some humans have progressed enough to join us in direct creation.

Suddenly I lose my temper. “It’s easy enough for you Divinities to create,” I exclaim. “But what about evil – cruelty, stupidity – greed? What a mess our earth is in. And you lot do nothing”.

It must be because I lost my temper – but everything has gone black. I feel dizzy and I am falling ***

I find myself in a squalid home – not in what people call “a developing country” – but in some European – or North American – city. There is a television blaring away unheeded, and a small boy is crouching over a computer, playing some digital game.

A little girl is busy making some animal from modelling clay. A woman, brightly dressed for going out, with heavy make-up, suddenly enters and drags the boy away from the computer. She hits him hard. “You know Jeff won’t let you use his computer,” she says. “When he gets back he’ll beat you.”

When she goes, the little boy gets a print-out from the computer. “I’ve made a digital man with a gun,” he says. “He’ll stop Jeff from hitting us.”

The small girl laughs at him. “He’s no good,” she says. “He’s only flat. Now look at what I’ve made!” She holds up her clay animal, roughly daubed with green paint. “This is a magic dragon,” she says. “She can get bigger and bigger and bigger. As big as a lorry. You wait and see.”

I am horrified. I feel dizzy again **** and find myself back in the Divine Workshop with the Creators. I get a shock. I recognise the beautiful young God and Goddess. Those two abused children on earth are their shadows.

I come back to our Temple with a feeling of amazement. I now understand that the Emperor and the Hanged Man and the Dragon are One.

The Company declare that Elaine has gained her degree. Reports are shared and thanks are given to the Deities.

Sources: “Chinese Mythology,” Anthony Christie, Hamlyn. “The Tao,” Lao Tse, “Folk Tales of China,” Ed. Eberhard, Routledge & Kegan Paul. “Goddesses of India, Tibet, China & Japan,” Durdin-Robertson, Clonegal Castle. “The Civilisation of China,” Herbert Giles, Thornton Butterworth. “The Moon of Much Gladness.” “Kai Lung’s Golden Hours,” and other Kai Lung stories, Ernest Bramah. Penguin.

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