Tara - VIII. Portal of Scorpio: Introduction & Rites

On This Page:

VIII. Portal of Scorpio

Introduction: Leopoldine the Beautiful

Rite 1. The Decision

Rite 2. The Heart of the Matrix

Fellowship of Isis Liturgy


Olivia Robertson

Tara of the Oracles

The Alchemical Twins Face the Fates

The Octagonal Temple of Alchemy

VIII. Portal of Scorpio: Introduction to Rituals One and Two

Leopoldine the Beautiful

“To find the Other is to look within.

Gaze in a mirror. You will see your twin.”

Deity divides itself into two in order to experience joy, passions, controversy and adventure! Tears and laughter alternate with heavenly visions of perfection won through trials, courage and compassion. Deity manifests as loving Mothers and Fathers through all that is. However the whole Company of Heaven alarms us by being Creators – presumably our own creators! We have to be reminded sometimes that Divine Love is within us all, because we are part of the very mind of the Divine Father: the substance of the Divine Mother. So we too are eternal, travelling through time and place, which exists forever. We share divine love, learning to look after all our varied companions, animal, insect, plant on our earth. For we are learning to be Creators.

How do we distinguish between Divine Love and the creative process? One of the most moving of true life stories was told to me by my friend, the artist Desmond McCarthy. For me it unravelled the enigma of Gnosticism.

Before the Second World War, Desmond had a job in London working in an office. Now there is always someone in an office who is both liked and laughed at – a scapegoat. The victim in this case I shall call ‘Kevin’. He illustrated the unkind joke in a cartoon of a psychiatrist addressing a timid patient in a baggy suit. “You have not an inferiority syndrome. You ARE inferior…” Desmond noticed especially the ridiculous, ill-fitting wig Kevin wore to cover his scanty hair. No girl in the office would look at him.

Then suddenly his status shot up! He acquired a girl friend. His whole attitude changed. He found his fellow workers chatted to him in lunch hour. They wanted to hear him describe Leopoldine. Leopoldine was attractive – even beautiful in an unusual way. She was amusing – but kindly. And she was always having adventures – but survived them with unfailing good humour. Obviously Kevin was overcome by winning Leopoldine’s affections. He kept saying: “I don’t know why a girl like that goes out with me.”

Desmond was worried. A glamorous girl like Leopoldine might break Kevin’s heart by rejecting him for a more successful boy friend with money and position. Surely she would fall for a sophisticated man offering expensive restaurants – a grand holiday.

Ah! At first things were looking good. Kevin and Leopoldine went for a holiday together. This was marvellous. Desmond was touching wood. He was really fond of Kevin and couldn’t bear the thought of his being cruelly hurt.

I think it was this very compassion for Kevin that led to Desmond’s rising suspicion of Leopoldine. Was she an adventuress – the sort that leads men on to amuse herself? No, his suspicion was far, far more grave. Did Leopoldine exist?

I do not mean that he suspected her of being a Spirit of some sort. No. Stranger still. Had Kevin created her?

No one else had any such misgivings. Leopoldine was to them a real person. But Desmond’s doubts were confirmed. One day, casually glancing through the Financial Times, he noticed on a back page, “Shares in Leopoldine Mines.” This was a Belgian Mining company, obviously called after King Leopold.

Naturally Desmond never breathed a word about his suspicions. He had no proof anyway. So it was not his fault that led to poor Leopoldine falling very ill. The whole office was deeply concerned. Finally the awful climax came. Leopoldine was dead.

Kevin was inundated with sympathy. Desmond now was really worried. If Kevin had killed Leopoldine, whom he had created, he must be in despair. Desmond followed his career with concern.

It ended perfectly. Kevin, he told Desmond, had been travelling in a railway carriage one day, and found himself facing a very attractive woman. They fell into conversation. She revealed that she was a hairdresser. Warmly she recommended him to come to her salon in a neighbouring town – and to invest in a really modern wig. He accepted the offer.

So, in a short while, Kevin walked into the office wearing a very smart wig that toned in with his natural colouring. And his friends were so relieved to learn that he had recovered from the sad loss of Leopoldine. He was engaged to be married to the hairdresser! They duly were married, and Desmond with his fellow office workers attended the wedding.

Now this is what fascinates me. Did Kevin, like Pygmalion, create Leopoldine, who became alive as the hairdresser? Or, through his ardent longing, had he found his true love through no less than the Goddess of Love Herself, Venus? I rather think so.”

These rites may be used as alternatives to those in “Psyche”

For initiates on the Spiral of the Adepti

Tara of the Oracles

The Alchemical Twins Face the Fates

Fellowship of Isis Liturgy by Olivia Robertson

VIII. Portal of Scorpio

The Decision

Ritual No. 1

The Choice is Ours, the Fates Weave the Outcome

The Octagonal Temple of Alchemy

Priest of Alchemy: (to the twin apprentices, Aiden & Elaine) Without the exercise of free will, the honour of choosing, we are as marionettes, our strings pulled by every passerby. To learn discrimination in choosing, we need to invoke the wise Goddess Beltis of Carthage. She administers justice with her right hand uplifted: Her left hand protects victims, pointed downwards.

PRIESTESS ALCHEMIST: (raises her wand) Divine Goddess Beltis, millions of your devotees in ancient Africa and Troy invoked your aid. In hymns to You they chanted that you fed the hungry with good things, and denied those who had excess. They sang that you saved the poor who were treated cruelly, and brought to justice the rich who were tyrants. Teach us to use both our hands – that we may balance justice with compassion.


I am amused when I see into your minds! You realise that while millions of men, women and children starve – too many of you have an obesity problem! You have clergy as ministers to your armed forces – yet you torture helpless prisoners. You send thieves to prison – but your financial institutions gamble away billions. Through selfishness, stupidity and greed you are destroying your planet. You are poisoning the air, the earth and the oceans. You are misusing fire. You spend millions causing an explosion on the moon, and try to make an imitation of what you term “The Big Bang”, which you think started creation.

Some of you wisely turn to the Goddess, by whatever name you use, because you need an entirely different way of viewing reality. You may wish to save the earth by rising above this material plane, or your vocation may be through active service. I have two arms, one upraised Heavenwards – the other drawing life from the depths.

Whatever you choose, you will fulfil your destiny – to awaken into Eternal Life…

End of Oracle

Priest Alchemist: We give thanks to the Goddess Beltis.

Priestess Alchemist: (to Elaine) Elaine, you know you are apt to rush into adventures, and are upset when the consequences take a turn opposite to what you desired! Are you willing to face the Choice offered by Beltis?

Elaine: I need to look before I leap…I accept the challenge.

Priestess Alchemist: So be it! (she hands Elaine a tarot card from the Marseille deck) What does this card mean to you?

Elaine: (examines the card) Here is Beltis! She is winged and wears a strange robe, half deep blue, half scarlet. Her inner gown is yellow. With her left hand she is pouring water from a blue jar, into a red jar held by her right hand. She is in a desert. Here is the balance, “Temperance” of repose and activity.

Priestess Alchemist: You are prepared to enter trance. We will be with you but may not help you.

Trance Journey

Elaine: The Scorpio realm should be exciting! I mount the Hill of the Temple ****** I do like the entrance to Scorpio! Above is its earlier representation in Babylon – an eagle with outspread wings – one of the 4 Kerubs. I part the heavy indigo curtains and pass through the Portico ********

This is delightful – I am in Arcadia. The God Apollo is approaching me from a small, asphodel covered hill. He is not as usually depicted. He has fairly long untidy fair hair blown by the wind. His face is Slav – with magnetic grey eyes that are not human – slanting – and his mouth is wide and laughing, deeply indented at the corners. He laughs.

“You think I’m ugly – yet they say I’m the most beautiful of the Gods! Anyway, here I am. I am going to introduce you to one of our greatest dramas, which involved Gods and men – and Goddesses and women. This shall be a re-enactment – alternative reality. You are to take the role of my protégé, the Prophetess Cassandra. It really involves a tremendous choice she had to make.”

“What was that?” I asked. “Was it about her prophecies that no one would believe?”

“Not exactly. When the God Zeus – backed by His Consort Hera – commanded that the Gods should not interfere in the Trojan war – Cassandra, like a good woman, obeyed Him.”

“Surely that was correct,” I said, “One should not intervene in evolving cultures.”

“Ah, but hers was a terrible choice. For Cassandra had the gift of prophecy. Remember, she was a Trojan Princess. She loved her family, and her fellow Trojans. Because the Greeks conquered Troy, her whole family were either slaughtered or taken into slavery – including herself. The entire city of Troy, outpost of the great African Carthaginian empire was destroyed. Yet she could have prevented this catastrophe through using the Gift of Beltis. She could read minds.

Now, Elaine, in this re-enactment, you are Cassandra and you face this dilemma: Either you follow the choice made by the original Cassandra, and obey Zeus – In which case, heartbroken, you will be murdered by the jealous wife of your captor – Queen Clytemnestra. Or – you choose other means.”

I exclaim – “Nothing could be worse than what did happen! Anyway, it is not my temperament to put up with evil if I can prevent it. So here goes, I shall intervene, whatever Zeus commands!

The scene changes – I find myself lighting incense in my Temple of Beltis. I pick up a scrying crystal and gaze intensely into it ***** I find myself in the room of Troy’s captive Queen Helen. And I am astonished at what I learn.

Helen is consumed with rage because Hecuba, Queen of Troy, refuses to accept the legitimacy of Helen’s son, born from Prince Paris of Troy. Helen is called a ‘courtesan Queen’ and her son, ‘a Bastard.’ Now I am overwhelmed by her desire for revenge.

She is a Greek and so very clever. I read her mind and know her plan. She has already stirred up resentment against the Royal Family through her Order of Beltis. Their plan is this. Helen will secretly summon to Troy the cleverest of the Greeks, Odysseus, whose father was a princely thief. He is to be disguised as a beggar! He will be helped into the Sanctuary of the Palladium that held the Luck of Troy. This is an archaic clay figure of the many-breasted Earth Mother. He would steal this, thus shattering the morale of the Trojan populace, already tired of this long war. The Greeks would pretend to leave, hiding their ships behind an island. Then the dissident Trojans would open the Gate by the Wooden Horse tavern. They would creep through the Gate at night, with stolen keys, and kill the drunken Trojans, celebrating the Greeks’ departure.

According to Homer’s “The Iliad,” the plan was successful. The city fell, and the Royal Family were killed along with most of their subjects. But Helen was brought back to Sparta with honour.

I remember all the horrors inflicted on the Trojans so graphically described by poets – especially the fate of the Trojan women ***** In a wave of emotion, I decide to disobey Almighty Zeus, and intervene in this siege! So, as Cassandra I inform the Trojan Higher Command of the Greek plot. Drastic action is taken at once. Helen is hanged along with the disguised Odysseus. This I had feared. But I am horrified by the behaviour of my own Trojans. Infuriated by the revealed plot, they make a savage attack on the Greeks.

At night they creep out of the city and proceed to slaughter the sleeping Greeks – and rape and kill their women. I myself sail from Troy to be Queen of Carthage, with its future ruler, my cousin Prince Enaeus, for, heartened by the Trojan success, the Carthaginians manage to conquer all the Greek Islands and mainland.

However, as for me, the Fates have the last word. Instead of becoming Queen of Carthage, when I arrive in the palace, I am stabbed to death by the jealous Queen Dido.

I hear in the distance the voice of Apollo. “The Trojan Poet Anchises wrote a compassionate play, ‘The Greek Women,’ about their sufferings at the hands of the Trojans. He later produced an epic of immense length, ‘The Trojan Victory.’ I fear the birth of Greek civilization was still-born.” ********

I feel utterly ashamed. I am returning from trance. I hear the kindly voice of Apollo: “Never mind, Elaine. You meant well.”

Still utterly ashamed, I burst into tears. Then suddenly there is a flash of white Light. I hear a silvery woman’s voice. “Elaine, by refusing to obey the God Zeus, because you felt compassion, You have become His Daughter, not his servant. You have always been my own daughter. Don’t you remember me? I am Hera.”

End of Trance

Elaine returns from trance will not accept her degree. She has learnt much. Reports are shared, helpful rays are sent forth. Thanks are given to the Deities.

Recommended Reading: “Homeric Hymns,” Heinemann. “The Iliad,” Homer. "Larousse’s Encyclopaedia of Mythology." “The Goddesses of Chaldea, Syria & Egypt,” Lawrence Durdin-Robertson, Cesara Publications, Clonegal Castle, Ireland. “Mythology of Carthage,” Hamlyn. “Sea Priestess,” Dion Fortune, Aquarian Press. “Return to Elysium,” Joan Grant, Methuen. “Treatise on the Connection between Punic and Gaelic languages.” Laurence Parsons, 19th Century. “Hymn to Beltis,” origin of “the Magnificat”. “Hymns to Beltis and other Middle Eastern and Phoenician Deities."

These rites may be used as alternatives to those in “Psyche”

For initiates on the Spiral of the Adepti

Tara of the Oracles

The Alchemical Twins Face the Fates

Fellowship of Isis Liturgy by Olivia Robertson

VIII. Portal of Scorpio

The Heart of the Matrix

Ritual No. 2

To Find the Flower of Life - Plant the Root

The Octagonal Temple of Alchemy

Priestess of Alchemy: (to twin apprentices, Aiden and Elaine) To attain the heights of spirit, you need to sink into the depths. Otherwise you will find but withered flowers, cut for display. To discover the balance between light and darkness, we need to invoke the aid of the Goddess Pele of Polynesia.

Priest Alchemist: (raises staff) “I invoke thee, Pele, Goddess of Fire! Yet you temper the scorching volcano with the onrushing sea, and so provide lava which brings up fertile islands. We humans are destroying ourselves, our own home, this earth, through exploitation of her sacred Elements. Tell us, even at this last hour, how we may save both ourselves and our planet.


The onrush of Genius enflaming the human psyche is like a tidal wave. It overwhelms all that stands in its way, and shall not be denied! All that is comes from what is believed, thought and imagined. Mightier minds, greater imagination, control what is upon every planet. Friends, when you feel lifeless, bored, subject to every fluctuation of health and emotion, and are controlled by others, you lack Genius!

Animals have this naturally. They leave an oncoming tidal wave, a volcanic outpouring, by intuition. They obey their inner genius.

Only ambitious humans wish to conquer Nature through artificial laws which they claim to be natural, but in truth are but the projections of the human intellect.

Have hope and joy! You have no conception of the glorious life which dawns in you when you awaken to your own Genius. You shall co-create with Deities as you harmonise ether and air, fire, water and earth. You shall add to the creations of your great poets and artists and musicians. You will have learnt the way of living eternally in the sphere around you, and explore the multi-dimension cosmos.

End of Oracle

Priest Alchemist: We give thanks to the Goddess Pele for Her Oracle.

Priestess Alchemist: ( to Aiden) Aiden, you have always followed your genius. Your erratic behaviour marks you out as original. Both you and Elaine have been said to have genius. Why not explore what this means – a democratic gift available to everyone, including Meercats and dolphins and orchids. Are you willing to undergo the Initiation of Genius?

Aiden: I like the sound of this. It is eccentric – like a spirit materialising from a bottle or lamp! I’m on.

Priestess Alchemist: Good. We can promise you an interesting time.” (she hands him a tarot card from the Marseille deck) What do you see in this card?

Aiden: I don’t see much evidence of excitement – of brilliance. Rather the reverse – authority. Order. It is number VIII and I see the Goddess of ‘La Justice.’ In her right hand she holds an upheld sword, in her left, some odd sort of loop. Before her are scales. Her robes alternate between blue and red. She is crowned with gold. Ah! I see. Like the Magician ‘La Force’ she has an awakened Crown Centre – gold flames emanate from her crown. This suggests that Life Energy derives from their balance: Sword and Cup – Fire and water – air and earth. It is alchemical.

Priestess Alchemist: You are ready to enter trance. We shall be with you but not help you – whatever happens.

Aiden: I don’t like the sound of that! But you did say this should be interesting****

Trance Journey

Aiden: I almost run up the Hill, longing to find Genius! I pay my respects to the central flame of the Temple of the Zodiac *** and I find the Portico of Scorpio. It is much as Elaine described, with the Flying Eagle – except that a very large scorpion is depicted gazing from a hole with insect eyes **** I avoid its eyes and hastily I pass through the gateway ******

I find myself in a pleasant Thai restaurant. Judging from the canned ukulele music, I am in Hawaii, also the clientele, who are large pink-faced tourists with loud voices, are wearing lurid shirts covered with girls and palm-trees. The waitresses are dressed up in ley flower garlands and the waiters wear sarongs. I suppose I must endure this to gain my goal – I remember in time that there is always a catch in these scenes – the people may not be as stupid and boring as they look.

***** Certainly not a woman seated in a corner under a poster advertising a hotel beach. She is watching her fellow customers as if she really found them of interest. Is she Polynesian? She has raven black curls pulled back and cascading down her red dress. Her face is aristocratic – with straight black brows and a wide generous mouth, indented at the corners. One thing puzzles me! She is bare-footed. Why did the café owner let her in? They don’t usually.

Suddenly I feel embarrassed. She has noticed my scrutiny, and waves me to a chair at her table. I join her.

She really has the most magnetic eyes. They seem to become fiery like hot coals – I begin to feel dizzy. From far off I hear a waiter’s voice: “What is your order, sir?” I must have fainted. I find myself falling through my chair and into the blackness of night. I must be having a heart attack. I grope wildly with my hands but can find nothing to hold. I seem to be falling indefinitely ****

To my alarm I realise I – or my soul – is descending through the earth itself, which has become transparent. Now there is light – but a dreadful, lurid light of fire. I pass a rocky shore of a bituminous green lake. There is an inhabitant – a bizarre creature, silver and green. His face is that of a reptile. I send out polite thoughts because I realise he is intelligent *****

For what seems miles, I continue falling – until I find myself within the fiery vortex of the earth. I had read that the inner sun of earth is as bright as the surface of our sun in the sky. I can only exist here because I have a glowing energy body.

This terrifying experience comes to an abrupt halt – of all things, I hear the murmur of women’s voices! I find myself in a small ‘sun’. I have companions. There are some women here – well, not exactly women. I censor my thoughts to avoid antagonizing them. They really are weird! I ask the obvious question: “Where am I?”

One of the women, who is an aged crone, answers me in the instructive tone of a school mistress. “You are at present within an etheric gaseous layered plasmic vortex. They can enter your body as a sphere of light, or you can find yourself inside one – which is where you are now.”

“Is all this real?”

“It is as real as your own world.”

“Rather, it is more real,” interrupted a small woman. Curiously, she reminds me of my old friend, the red-haired witch. “I mean which is more real, you having an intelligent conversation with us, or sitting in a café criticising your fellow tourists?”

“Why am I here?”

The first aged lady speaks. “To answer that very question. You are here to honour the Above and the Below in equal measure, and to bring this understanding to those who will listen.” The lady who speaks I recognise as the woman in the Red Dress of the café.”

A third woman speaks. She feels more like me, a seeker. She is rather like Elaine. “Put it this way. To gain the Flower of Immortality, you may choose between a beautiful golden flower, shining green foliage, or a root. Which would you choose?”

“I don’t know what the root will bring forth – it could be a poisonous plant. The foliage gives shade and food – the flower, spiritual beauty. I know the obvious thing would be to choose the root, which brings forth foliage and flower. But I choose the flower, because it contains the seeds of life, which in turn become roots. And in any case I know what I’m getting!”

“Yes,” says the Woman in the café. “But all exist simultaneously, for there is no beginning and no end. We are the Fates. Past, Present and Future are One. The Sacred Elements are One. The Above and the Below are One.”

And the girl like the red-haired witch says: “Centre Point is omnipresent – Deity is everywhere and so when you touch the Divine you are everywhere. You are in all time. And the woman like Elaine says: “It’s all very simple. It’s a cycle. The Black Hole swallows up the stars and they are reborn in another continuum. This is what is happening to you. It is so wonderful! What do you really long for? You will find it.”

I find myself rising up through the earth and I reach the Milky Way and I wrap it around me as a starry robe. I hear a man’s voice.”

“What is your order, sir?”

Have I become a God to order what I want? With a jerk I am back in the café while the lady in red watches me with a smile. A waiter is asking for my order. I have had my adventure between seconds. And I think I’ve met Pele.

End of Trance

Aiden returns from trance, excited, full of ideas about vortices and black holes and the cosmos. He accepts his degree. Reports are shared. Helpful thoughts are sent forth. Thanks are given to the Deities.

Recommended Reading: “Children of the Rainbow,” Leinani Melville, Quest Books, Theosophical Society. “South Seas,” R. Poignant, Hamlyn. “Kahuna,” Max Freedom Long, “South Sea Folk," Sir Gilbert Archer, “Melanesia,” B.A.L. Cranstone, British Museum. “A Pattern of Islands,” Sir Arthur Grimble, John Murray. “Voyagers,” Herb Kawainu Káne. Pub. by Whalesong Inc. A Beyond Words Pub. Co. “Legends & Pictures of Hawaii.” The Polynesian author and artist is Storyteller, Navigator, Historian & Anthropologist. He includes his inspired painting of Pele.

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