Athena Chapter 10: Part 1: Two People Leave Each Other

Fellowship of Isis Liturgy


Olivia Robertson

Athena - Arcadian Awakening

Alchemical Rite

10. Zimbabwe: Divine Union

Part I: The Narration: Two People Leave Each Other

“Two people leave each other in opposite directions.

They circulate the earth. They meet.”

Hostess and Host in Zimbabwe, Henry Mwe, Jane Leesa

Scene in a Circle of Trees and Stones

In a remote valley near Rutenya by the River Mwenezi


Path Guide: Aiden

Helper: Elaine

Oracle and Visionary: Deirdre

Aiden: “Henry and Jane, you have sent a message for urgent alchemical healing for a disastrous situation. Yet you are seated here calmly, with African instruments and carved figures. Henry, you wear European dress, Jane you are in African Clothing.”

Henry: “Ah – we long to be like you two, Twin souls, in harmony. We would prefer to tell each our own story as to our desolate situation. We are poles apart.”

Deirdre: “You’ll only receive one Oracle, I feel guided to tell, from no less than the All Mother, Nana Buluka.”

Elaine: “Who will give the Narration first? Henry?”

Henry: “Not as my life is worth! Jane would immediately say I was putting myself in the dominant role of male supremacy. Already she resents the name ‘Jane’.”

Jane Leesa: “Let me speak for myself. As the victim role is pushed upon to me as an aggressive feminist, I shall submit.”

Elaine: “This should be most interesting. What are you if not ‘Jane’?”

Jane Leesa: “I am African. My true African name is Leesa, which I found in one of your African ceremonies. This is a useful ritual, counteracting what I was brain-washed with when in the mission school I was ‘charitably’ educated at. They called me Jane. I notice the boy ‘Mwe’ in your rite fitted in very easily to be called ‘Henry.’

Henry: “I aim to win power by learning the white man’s sciences – not just to protest uselessly like Jane.”

Aiden: “This is Jane’s narration. Leesa, please continue.”

Leesa: “This was a typically ‘natives’ educational establishment. They gave us no powers to make money or love – no powers. We were blocked in every passion, especially we women. They put us in long shapeless garments called “Mother Hubbards” to cover bare breasts.”

Henry: “If they had not – you would step out of their classroom and you would have been raped in exactly four minutes.”

Aiden: “Henry, please don’t interrupt. Your turn will come.”

Leesa: “I was deprived of all that makes a true woman – our African religion.”

Henry: “We haven’t got one. Not a valid one.”

Leesa: “Our religion is based on nature and lost tribal customs. I longed to be taught the language of drums – not a stupid catechism. The only book I liked was Shaw’s “Black Girl in search of God.” She found Voltaire – that was all. But I delved into my natural psychic ability – that exists in nearly everyone if it hadn’t been cauterized by mental rules and regulations.”

Elaine: “How on earth did you come to work with Henry?”

Leesa: “You can call it a dynamic occultism partnership.”

Henry: “More like a continual sectarian civil war.”

Aiden: “What help do you want and would both accept?”

Leesa: “I cannot continue with this perpetual conflict of our beliefs – or rather his lack of any – and my feelings. I lie awake feeling hatred that has no outlet. I suppose you call such a relationship ‘Love’ – though I cannot communicate with Mawe on any heart level. He makes silly jokes or clever remarks if I tell him my heart’s longings.”

Henry: “As these consist of day dreaming for some divine man from heaven or UFO, some mysterious stranger of indefinable superiority to human men! Such a being leads her to wandering by the sea shore, hair down, longing for a man from the stars. In the old days I suppose it would have been some God or angel. But what I suspect – this is a danger in our evolution. I read a book by H.G. Wells on the fear of this danger. It’s called “Star Begotten”. She hopes for a Super-child as in Bethlehem, an Indigo, a star baby who will supersede me. But this shall not happen. She has very little practical brains. We use chemicals to check weird children.

No. I despise her childish dreams, her talk of psyche and souls, and the like, beyond physical, organic form. She needn’t think I despise the Goddess. I respect the Mother of All.

I too have my dreams of the modern woman, very tall with long, long boyish legs, and a sense of humour, which is more than Leesa has, and a Degree in Western science. It is practical. Western scientists and financiers rule the World. And I want to rule the World, preferably in the United States! You may wonder at our partnership. However, there is an area I am deficient in – it is Jane who has psychic powers, though I am sure scientists will find an explanation for such phenomena. There is one reason we stay together, and I cannot explain this. I love her.”

Leesa: “Yes, it’s funny, you madden me, but I am in love with you too!”

Deidre: “Using my despised female psychic ability, I can see plainly your aura class. Leesa’s aura is a sort of fluffy pink, and Henry’s is an orderly indigo.”

Leesa: “What do you propose to do about it. He’s all mind and I know I’m all feeling. Capricorn versus Pisces. Earth versus Air.”

Henry: “Astrology is nonsense. Ask any astronomer….”

Elaine: “To answer your question Leesa, as to what we propose to do. I should like to explain to both of you how spiritual alchemy works. It is a basic spiritual truth to true Alchemists that there is only Divine Energy in the Cosmos from Star to Atom. The One Eternal Being and Holy Reality to this energy is Deity. Deity contains both ethics and goodness in time and place, so everything has really happened. Change comes through time and evolution of Consciousness, becoming aware of this reality. Divine Energy is perfect in each individual snowflake and in each star. Therefore there is no hierarchy of importance; for God the Divine is all present in time and space. Nothing is lost. Evil is transmuted by the Mother’s love and wisdom.”

Henry: “That sounds good but how do people evolve if it is all there?”

Aiden: “As this evolution expands, the wider the area that is comprehended, the greater and nobler the extension through many lives and states of a being. A true alchemist knows what is going to happen by remembering what DID happen. Only the virtues of love, beauty and truth are eternal. The rest – evil – vanishes when it is recognised.”

Leesa: “How about our feelings of individuality – our emotions?”

Elaine: “Without the humblest creature born of the Mother, the Divine Being would be incomplete. Think of it all as a vast Persian carpet, our many life paths. We only see a tiny part of the carpet - as seen by those in Plato’s Cave in Greek philosophy. “All the world’s a stage” says Shakespeare. We choose to play in various dramas. Every folk story or fairy tale has deeper meaning. Shamans show the starry heavens as a picture book. We identify with Hercules – Ariadne – these adventures teach us our own lives are projections into the wonderful eternal divine pattern.”

Leesa: “I often have the feeling it’s all happened… That we are here working through the mystery of the Unseen Lover. So many myths are telling us our inner longings.”

Henry: “This does explain why people adore epics and operas and paintings and stories. We are buying into the dramas of our own story. The Gods are really our teachers who know more than us and are teachers of the Arts.”

Aiden: “But we can also help the teachers remember it. Deities still speak to humans who will listen and always have through Oracles, through the World religions. Let us invoke such an African Wise One, the Mother Goddess Nana Buluka.”

Elaine: “Let us gather at dawn as the sun rises, here by the Holy River Mwenezi.”

Continue on to Part 2. They Circulate the Earth. They Meet.

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