Tara - VII. Portal of Libra: Introduction & Rites

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VII. Portal of Libra

Introduction: Rebirth. The Coming Awakening

Rite 1. Outspread Wings

Rite 2. The Crystal Skull

Fellowship of Isis Liturgy


Olivia Robertson

Tara of the Oracles

The Alchemical Twins Face the Fates

The Octagonal Temple of Alchemy

VII. Portal of Libra: Introduction to Rituals One and Two

Rebirth. The Coming Awakening

Awakening comes unpredictably, when it chooses! Hours of meditation, prolonged exercises, repetitions, affirmations, may lead nowhere, save for confused breathing and muscular aches… My own experiences have always come unexpectedly, with no stimulants. I have noticed there are various levels in enhanced consciousness.

There is the happy “Summerland” adventure! I see tapestry on our walls shake and the pictures become real. I go to the garden and it is in another wider space and time – luminous – strangely coloured – and each blade of grass, every daisy – each weed is an emblem of some greater reality. Our world is a picture book of a greater sphere of being.

I have a feeling that I am out-growing such sweetness and bliss – this harmony with every person and creature. The change is a sudden influx of mind and spirit. Here I am aware of evil – but this is part of a whole web of life that has a meaning. I once saw why a boat was capsized in the ocean, with everyone on board drowned. It was not an accident. There was a connecting link between destiny and each person. In this state of mind there are no accidents. All has purpose. Evil is but the unreal shadow of the real, created for us to grow as individuals – not just obedient spirits.

The final stage for me was to awaken from pure mind and spirit and to be aware of Love and Truth in brilliant colours. In this state every heart beat in the cosmos is inter-related – whether star or plant – all. Without this flow no brilliance of Spirit can exist.

My own dedication came from sudden awareness of identity with the White Light of Isis, a shining silver-white feminine figure with wide shining lightning flashes extending from either side of her head – that encompassed the stars. So I learnt that without Truth, Love becomes dissipated. I have always received inspiration from Those outside myself. I received the teaching:

“Approach Truth with courage: Love with humility.”

Divine reality pervades every being. I learnt to honour the truth in all faiths and philosophies. To accept Deity in each creature and atom, I felt the love within all born of The Great Mother of All.

I write this to bring hope, as every psychic person is aware that the year 2012 is not only the year of the London Olympics, but the culmination of Mayan and other apocalyptic prophecies. I have myself been guided to the sacred mesas of the Hopi Indians. I have met the sage Little Dan who has passed into Spirit recently, aged 105. With respect I have received Hopi prophecies from Elders. And I had the honour of introducing them to a Japanese Priestess. She declared that they were cousins of the Japanese.

I had never heard of the Mayans in 1952 when I received a vision of a copper-coloured Goddess, seated cross-legged across the sky like a copper sun. She had straight black hair and a profile I later recognised as South American. But again – unexpectedly – a Priestess of Isis took me to Yucatan, 40 years later, where I witnessed archaeologists unearthing an ancient Mayan Temple in Coba, built prior to Aztec and Toltec invasions. I received communication from Priests of the ancient faiths of South America now revived. I was informed: “The pyramids are working once more, cleansed of memory of evil practices. The faith is reborn, as are our Priestesses and Priests.”

The fascinating city of New Orleans provided me with wonderful practices of Voodoo, now revived to be a form of Spiritualism, where a helpful relationship is established with benign spirits from Spirit Spheres. I received a prophecy – this time in Ireland, in our Temple of Isis. The Great African Goddess Yemaya came to prophesy the coming of the hurricane Katrina, which later devastated the city. She declared.

“I am not an executioner.” We give ourselves, our fellow beings and the Mother Earth fatal injuries: We are not punished when we act in an evil way: We punish ourselves. We are our own executioners. But in our human evolution we also bring about our own divine rebirth.

Sixty years ago I received prophecy from the Madonna. My latest prophetic message came in my 90th year. It was given with vision from the Goddess of the fires within the earth: Pele in Hawaii.

So what do I feel about that which is to come? We may hope. If we in truth dedicate ourselves to any good work we feel called to do, all will not only be well, but unimaginably beautiful. I end with the words of Golden Eagle, a native American Chief, who was inspired by the Golden Eagle of the four sacred Kerubim: He came in our Temple of Isis, through an entranced Priest: “I don’t know what you are all so frightened about! I can find only one word to describe what is to come: “Magnificent!”

These rites may be used as alternatives to those in “Psyche”

For initiates on the Spiral of the Adepti

Tara of the Oracles

The Alchemical Twins Face the Fates

Fellowship of Isis Liturgy by Olivia Robertson

VII. Portal of Libra

Outspread Wings

Ritual No. 1

To Rise to the Stars You Need Two Wings

The Octagonal Temple of Alchemy

Priestess of Alchemy: (to twin apprentices, Aiden and Elaine) There is hidden within every being a spark of glory that would return to the stars. Many have ascended to the heights – and have fallen to the depths, the quest lost. To attain the heavens, we must bring others with us! We need to invoke the Holy Goddess Maat, judge of souls.

Priest Alchemist: (raises staff) Divine Goddess Maat of the Feather of Truth, raise us to our true being with your outspread wings! Be with us now.


The time for the ascent is now. For long humans have attempted spiritual flight to attain the cosmos: and you have fallen. But each fall has brought you wisdom. For you have returned to the Holy Mother earth, from whom you have been born.

The Holy Mother would have you leave her now, bringing with you Her seeds of love and beauty and truth.

You, the human race have been appointed guardians of this lovely earth; but instead, you have despoiled it. Greed, selfishness and stupidity have led to planetary disaster.

You now need to return to the divine realms of the cosmos which encompasses every earth, all stars. There, abandoning pride and ambition, you must begin again, this time helped by what you have learnt from past experience of many earthly lives.

To fly swiftly, to rise, to extend, to plunge into the depths, you need to have two wings of Love and Truth. Truth is all-powerful: Love is omni-present. You will bring harmony, the music of the spheres to the earth. My feather of good judgement is within yourselves.

End of Oracle

Priest Alchemist: We give thanks to the Goddess Maat for Her Oracle.

Priestess Alchemist: (to Elaine) Elaine, you often find yourself overcome by emotions that hinder rather than help those you regard as victims! Are you willing to face the Trial of Maat of the Judgement of Osiris, and so learn to help others effectively?

Elaine: I do feel my feelings change with every change of the wind! I see one cause – then its antidote! I long for good judgement. I will gladly undergo the ordeal, however severe!

Priestess Alchemist: So be it! (she hands Elaine a tarot card from the Marseille deck) This is your passport. Describe it.

Elaine: It is number VII – Libra – and depicts a crowned warrior seated in a chariot marked SM – Sun and Moon. The two horses drawing his chariot are coloured red - on the right - for sun, and blue, - on the left – for moon. This is Western tradition – I prefer the Egyptian portrayal of the male moon, Khonsu and a female sun, Sekhmet. However, I get the message! Easy to understand – hard to do – to balance my psychic vision with facts.

Priest Alchemist: As you know, words are meaningless without experience. So find the Portal of Libra, in the Temple of the Zodiac. When you are in trance we shall be with you, but may not help you.

Trance Journey

Elaine: I gladly ascend the holy hill of the Temple! I am always happy within it. So I enter and honour the sacred flame of Vesta in the Centre. It is not hard to find the Portal of Libra! It is next to the fiery entrance of Leo. Yes, of course it is different. I feel at home facing this doorway. It is surmounted by a painting of the Goddess Maat. Her protecting wings are folded round the doorway. She is like the Roman Goddess Astrea, who left our earth when Her reign of justice ended. She is to return at the end of the age. So mote it be! I draw aside a heavy grey veil and I pass through the gateway *******

I am in a desert. I feel this is in Ancient Egypt. Or is it nowadays? I don’t like the sound of a plane overhead. There is a smell of burning. I know this is Africa, because there is a distant sound of drumming. Or are these bombs? I see before me a shanty town, and I know what is there – huddled families – and children go out to get water and may have legs blown off by a landmine…

But on my right is a different scene. It is an oasis. I hear the sound of a harp. Some people are moving to and fro, but most are waiting before a mighty granite gateway. What is curious is that between the giant pillars – is some other realm of shimmering colours.

A stately woman in white approaches me. I cannot understand her language but I somehow know what she is telling me. I can either go and give practical help to the shanty town – or pass through the Gates of the Judgement of Osiris, Judge of the living and the dead. If I pass the Weighing of the heart by the Feather of Maat on scales held by Anubis, the Guardian of the Mysteries, I may learn how to help the emergence of the ancient glories of Africa.

I find myself thinking – this is more like Aiden’s adventures than mine – now it’s my turn! I will cross the threshold – So may the desert flower.

I pass through the mighty gateway and my heart jerks uncontrollably. I am afraid. I put my arms out and expect them to disappear in the swirling colours before me. Instead I feel a flow of spiritual energy flow right through my body like water. I pass through ****

I make my way through endless corridors and at each gateway I find I shed my earthly worries. I try to hang on to my anger at social injustice, to remember evil – to fight – my fear of deception. Oh! ***** I am embarrassed! I am naked! I have shed every bit of clothing. But it’s all right – my body is made of shining coils of energy. I find myself thinking – I look like someone out of an AE or William Blake painting! I’m not a weak fluffy ghost – nor transparent light – I’m very strong and vital – my real self.

I hear the sound of a mighty waterfall – the sort I’ve seen photos of – the Victoria falls. Somehow I go through the falling water, and the last shred of embarrassment at nudity vanishes. I am floating over a beautiful, still lake that reflects a full moon.****

At last I see Maat! She is a starry figure hovering over the lake with Her outspread wings. I hear her voice which sounds to me like the sound of flowing waters.

“My daughter, the spiritual source of the Nile of the stars comes from this mystic lake, replenished from the Mountains of the Moon – Mirror of Hathor, Goddess of Love. The waters pour forth from the Milky Way, milk of the Goddess Nuit, Mother of Isis and Osiris. See! The lake reflects the full moon. Now watch the rise of the Sun of Truth, the Aten, that sends rays of Light to all. The Great Ones of Egypt are reborn.”

I marvel at Her words. The mighty figure of Maat with Her outspread wings across the sky begins to fade into the stars. ***** No longer do I see myriads of suns – but just one sun, ours. Thousands of planets vanish, for I only know our own little planet, the earth. I return to my friends – my home ***** I am back with you.”

End of Trance

Elaine returns from trance deeply thoughtful and all agree she has earned her degree, climax of years of hard work. Reports are shared and Rays of love and Truth are sent forth to all.

Recommended Reading: The explorer Stanley's account of his discovery of the source of the Nile. "Egyptian Magic," by Florence Farr, Aquarian Press, London. "The Gods of the Egyptians," Budge, Dover. "Goddesses of Chaldea, Syria & Egypt," Lawrence Durdin-Robertson, Cesara Publications, Clonegal Castle, Ireland. FOI Web Sites. "Anthology of Ancient Egyptian Poems," Elissa Sharpley, Murray. "Melusina, Life Centres of the Goddess" Olivia Robertson, Cesara Publications, Clonegal Castle, Ireland. "Winged Pharaoh," Joan Grant, Harper & Bros., New York. "Mysteries of Isis," deTraci Regula, Llewellyan Publications.

These rites may be used as alternatives to those in “Psyche”

For initiates on the Spiral of the Adepti

Tara of the Oracles

The Alchemical Twins Face the Fates

Fellowship of Isis Liturgy by Olivia Robertson

VII. Portal of Libra

The Crystal Skull

Ritual No. 2

To See through Deception - Remove the Mask

The Octagonal Temple of Alchemy

Priest Alchemist: (to twin apprentices, Aiden and Elaine) How to recognise evil without being influenced by it, you need to learn discrimination. Only the Good is real. Evil is deception. The ancient people of Maya were versed in this wisdom. Let us invoke the Divine Goddess Maya, once more revealed to us, as we enter the fifth sphere of being, a new aeon.

Priestess Alchemist: (raises her wand) Holy Maya, Queen of Heaven, Goddess of the encircling stars, help us to attain our true selves, free of delusions.


To discover Reality which is all that is, you need to distinguish between the true and the false. Great cultures have created inner Mystery Schools where devoted Priesthoods learn to ascend the pyramid of Truth and Love to reach the Temple of the Heavens… But when these very civilizations become decadent, the Priests lead the corruption, because of their superior knowledge. Such is this time on your threatened planet.

But do not despair! The very time of the death of one sphere of Being creates the birth of its successor.

Long ago my holy Shamans prophesied the advent of the Fifth World of Spiritual enlightenment, to follow the earlier world of materialistic knowledge. Now is the time to surrender your fears, your prejudices, your rejection of new ideas!

When you surrender all that is useless, greedy, foolish, you make way for planetary rebirth. I have returned to be among those who truly call upon me, for I dwell not only in the starry heavens but upon every struggling planet on its spiritual path. Come to Me! No one is rejected. Those who have practised most evil may attain divinity along with the saintly – for all share My Life.

End of Oracle

Priest Alchemist: We give thanks to the Goddess Maya for Her Oracle.

Priestess Alchemist: (to Aiden) Aiden, you continually wonder at the existence of evil and how to enjoy perfect happiness while others suffer. We know you find the culture of the ancient people, the Aztecs and Toltecs hard to like! So you must face what you most fear. Are you willing to undergo the ordeal of Libra, and learn to face the opposites, Good and its reverse?

Aiden: It’s about time. I can’t continue in my interesting adventures without coming back to earth and its problems!

Priestess Alchemist: First tell me what you think of this card, your passport (hands him a tarot card of the Marseille deck).

Aiden: “Oh – it would be – Death! The Waite Pack has a noble knight on it, obviously heroically coping with the situation. But this card – number XIII of course – shows the Grim Reaper as a hideous skeleton, scything down a king and a woman – their decapitated heads lie along with hands and feet protruding from the earth. Well, I must face it ***** I know you will be with me but won’t help me ******

Trance Journey

Aiden: With heavy heart I climb the Hill to the Temple of the Zodiac. I enter. The doorway of Libra is not alarming – just as Elaine described. But she didn’t notice a feathered serpent winding its way beneath the wings of Maat. I am on my guard as I walk straight through the doorway without hesitation. That’s the best way – not to think *****

I find myself like Elaine in a desert. Or rather a desert in the making, as trees are being cut down on the edge of a rain forest. Before me is a South American Pyramid, ruined by time and tourists. I wish they’d go away. Ah – one of the tourists approaches me. He is a very old frail man leaning on a staff. He is wearing a frayed shirt and denims and sandals. His staff is carved with a twining snake – they sell a lot of these to tourists I suppose. He sits down and beckons me to sit beside him.

“My friend,” he says, “I am an unofficial guide to this place. Have you any questions?”

I don’t know what is coming over me – a surge of red furious rage. “Yes,” I exclaim. “Why are these rain forests being cut down – and so destroying the earth with drought? They keep fragments of this horrible civilization alive in museums. What is wrong with your cats? European cats are drawn with curly smiles. Your drawings show cats’ mouths in an inverted V – cross – with little black moustaches like Hitler.” Suddenly I feel ashamed. Could this man belong to this land?

“Don’t be embarrassed, friend,” he says. “I like your description of the cross cats! But as for this word “Hitler” – this is not a much hated human-being, but a mask. The name was adapted in recent years from an ancient prophecy by those who manipulated it for their own ends.”

I feel this is a challenge. He knows something ***** “What do you mean by a mask?”

I ask.

“I will tell you of such a mask put upon the God of Fire and Storm. He came to his people to bring them strength to resist coming invasion. He called upon their love of country: “My dear children, give me your hearts!” Unfortunately the Priesthood distorted his words and commanded the God’s followers: “Give him the hearts taken from the bodies of our enemies!” Which the executioners proceeded to do – with cowardly sacrifices of helpless prisoners.”

“We used a crystal Showstone of your God in my country!” I exclaimed. “We caused it to create storms to wreck enemy ships … Like you we distort our holy scriptures for our own agenda. How can I distinguish Truth from lies?”

“Simple,” says the old man. “Follow the way of pilgrims of old and climb up the pyramid before you. When you reach the summit, you will find your answer through the Crystal Skull in the Temple of Truth.”

I thank him and make my way to the base of the pyramid.***** It looks in better shape than I thought. To my relief the sound of tree felling has ceased, tourists have gone. I climb alone to the sound of a strong wind. **** It is a hard climb. At last, breathless,

I am here on the summit. I look around.

The view is amazing! I am surrounded by a vast rainforest. White roofs of buildings show among the trees and in the distance I see a mighty river flowing into the sea. I turn my attention to the Temple. It is a small structure with no ornament. To my relief there are no animal or serpent carvings. I think: “I really dislike all these bared teeth in jaguar and serpent’s figures….! I don’t see any crystal skull. Is this all deception?”

I hear a laugh. I swing round. There is the old man in the doorway. “Look closer,” he says. “See through the mask” **** I can see no mask. But then a shiver of fear runs through me. The aged face of the old man is changing into that of a beautiful young man with bared white teeth! He stands, slim and erect, leaning on a staff with a living serpent curled round it, with mouth open, showing teeth and tongue. By his side is a gigantic jaguar glaring at me with golden eyes – teeth bared.

The young man seems amused by my alarm. He lifts up his staff, and straight way both serpent and jaguar close their mouths. He speaks gently:

“Aiden, know me as Cuchulcan, God of Truth and Peace. My twin sister Maya is wife to the God of Fire and Storms.”

“But what of the crystal skull?” I ask… still fearful of deception.

“Look again,” says the young man. As I gaze at him, his head changes to that of a crystal skull. His whole body becomes a luminous skeleton.

“Know me as Quetzalcoatl,” he says. “My wife is the Goddess Quetzalpetlatl. Our Blue Bird, the Quetzal bird of Spirit, heralds the coming forth of the Fifth World. Know that I have ascended from the abyss of my Divine Mother Coatlicu and from thence have risen from the planet Venus to the Sun of Truth. And still My Goddess is with Me, and shows forth as the Sun of Love.”

As he speaks he becomes a sun shining across the sky, and with Him is a Sun of the Goddess. I know these as the two stars of Sirius.

I hear a Voice, the God’s voice echoing through the sky: “Within you is the Feathered Serpent!” And I feel golden power coming up from the base of the pyramid to my heart. A cone of light descends through my head and body. I unite Heaven and Earth. I feel radiant joy and love **** but even as I feel this I hear an incongruous man’s voice saying: “What have you to give?” It comes from far below. The figures have faded – the mighty rainforest, the river and the sea have gone – I hear again the sound of the felling of trees and the chatter of tourists. And I am seated on a rock looking at a straw hat held out to me by an old man, showing two teeth in a wide smile. I fumble in my pocket and drop some coins into the hat. The man rises and, leaning on his staff, makes off towards an old woman in a shawl and wide-brimmed hat sitting by the wayside. She extends a copper-coloured hand and the man drops the coins into it *****

Indeed – I am back with you but I am reborn: I like the fifth world. I am in it.

End of Trance

Aiden returns from trance and accepts his alchemical degree. He is in very good spirits. Reports are shared and thanks are given to the Deities. The company are unusually silent as if they too have discovered a new world.

Recommended Reading: "The Ancient Kingdom of the Americas," Von Hagen, Panther. "Central Mexican & Central American Mythology," Irene Nicholson. "North American Mythology," Cottie Burland. "Queen of the Sun, A Modern Revelation," E. J. Michael, Mountain Rose Pub., Prescott, Arizona.

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