Nuit - Foreword to The Eastern Gateways: Rites 1, 2 & 3

Nuit of the Milky Way

The Alchemical Journey of the Questing Twins

Fellowship of Isis Liturgy by Olivia Robertson


The Eastern Gateways: Rites 1, 2 & 3: Aries, Taurus & Gemini

The wonderful thing about working with Isis is that She always provides one with the necessary material and tools when - and not before - they are needed for Her work.

In the year 2000 at midnight during the Summer Solstice I saw in full consciousness a "Sun." On 6th September this "Sun" - large, cheerful, slightly flushed - woke me up and burst in a sort of explosion from my body. On the eve of my departure for the USA, in full consciousness at night or rather early dawn, I saw an unearthly woman by my bed. She had hair like liquid gold cut in "petals" and wore a white robe slightly flushed with gold on a part of it. It was what she was doing that was so strange. She was striking a suspended very long crystal with a rod. As she did so, I observed a mighty transparent column on her left side, and within it, at the beautiful clear fairly high note she struck, spirals of golden "atoms" gyrated. This happening brought me in touch with the spiritual Alchemy taught by the Rt. Rev. Kadea Metara, one of our eight members of the Star of Isis. Another Alchemist told me that this Goddess had been showing herself to others, in the USA, and they noticed her curious hair cut in hearts. She never spoke. She also appeared as a Nature Spirit with long red hair and a green gown, and also as a woman. Her given Name was Brigid.

Isis, Mother of the Stars

It is with delight that I join with other FOI Priestesses and Priests in offering my own contribution, illustrating the given Oracles in "Sybil." These Oracles, drawn from our previous liturgy, are used for the final 12 "coming out" rituals, for our new course, the Spiral of Alchemy. It will be interesting to discover the rainbow rites which the Oracles inspire in our Priestly teachers of Isian Alchemy.

In these rites, the Apprentices working for these final degrees I call Elaine and Aiden, the Questing Twins. Their Guide, adopting various guises, is the Shaman Time Traveller - Hermes - Merlin - Ariadne - Odin - who guides those of us who long for spiritual adventure. The Questing Twins’ journey is to have a Vision Quest through the starry portals of the zodiac, inspired by the given Oracle from "Sybil." Within their own chosen shrine they enter trance, under the guidance of their own Priestly Alchemical Teacher.

Note: As stated above, the Oracles presented in "Nuit of the Milky Way" were originally published in a previous FOI liturgy book, "Sybil, Oracles of the Goddess."

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