Athena Chapter 3: Part 2: Revelation of the Isles of Kano

Fellowship of Isis Liturgy


Olivia Robertson

Athena - Arcadian Awakening

Alchemical Rite

3. Hawaii: The Magic Wood

Part II. The Revelation of the Isles of Kano

“Do not be deceived by the Mask”


Path Guide: Aiden Priest of Alchemy

Helper: Elaine, Priestess of Alchemy

Oracle: Deirdre of the Visions


Deirdre: “You are welcome to our Trance Session, Uri. Your aura is filled with turquoise blue, the colour of hope. Are you willing to enter into trance?”

Uri: “I am filled with longing. It is my last chance to rescue my lost soul. I agree.”

Aiden: “Please lie down upon this couch, and close your eyes so that you may see the other land **** If you feel you need help, call upon Elaine. This is your time to trust in the Goddess Haumea Who honoured you with Her Oracle **** You find yourself in the Land of the Rainbow that lies in an arch about the 3 Voids. Each void has hidden the Zones of Lower, Middle and Higher Selves. Only in harmonizing these three can you obtain the flow of immortal Life, Mana, that feeds your soul **** Where are you? Tell us what befalls you.”

Trance Journey

Uri: “How strange this place is --- there are shadows of many-coloured islands floating on clouds. I am drawn to one land which reminds me of somewhere … it enfolds me in a garment of red and brown colours…

Oh no! I am back in my home that I abandoned so long ago. I wonder why? My brother Eri appears in the doorway and he says to me that it is where our mother lies in pain, dying. I say “But Eri, this is not her grand house. It is a small hut, shabby and poor!” Eri tells me that my father divorced her some years ago for violent behaviour. He has taken another wife. “The only person who dares come near her in her fits of rage is a good old woman, once a friend of yours. She looks after her but cannot get anyone else for my mother flares up like a dormant volcano!”

Like a flash I become her child suffering again her harsh treatment. I remember her preference for my brother, her contempt for my looks, my words. Now she is properly punished! The Gods are just. But it is strange – I get no happiness from this revenge. Instead, I feel over-whelming pity, not because my mother does not deserve her misfortune, but because she does!.

I visit her couch and bend over her. She gazes at me malevolently, her old dislike the same as ever. But I take no notice. I make her room cheerful with flowers and cook her favourite dish, beyond the skill of the old woman. I arrange for proper care for her as I get money from my father.

It is extraordinary – but I feel completely happy! All the thoughts of hatred have vanished. Please explain this Elaine!”

Elaine: “Uri, listen if you can to the words of a Dream-worker, one who helps those in confusion.”

Uri: “Yes… I hear words in a very gentle boy’s voice.” “Uri, it is not for you to force your mother to improve! This is for her and only her. All you can do is to offer help. But by doing the reverse of her cruel deeds, by caring for her with love, you have redressed the Balance of Divine Energy! So golden Mana is flowing through your heart. Therefore your mother has helped you despite herself! You have learnt to use your Lower Self, transforming your anger (so like your mother’s) into loving energy. You have attained the Initiation of Huna of the Lower Zone.”

“Now I understand! You can only transform evil into good by balancing it with its opposite. For good is real, and evil is only a passing shadow that vanishes when the truth is seen. I am so happy I could stay here! This is an Island of Kano warmed by the heart’s love of Haumea ****

But even as I feel this heavenly rapture – there is a frightening change. I am once more in the evil presence of the sorcerer who gave me the Necklace of Death.

“Uri, you have not escaped me!” He says. “You rejected my offer of marriage simply because I laughed at you! I was pleasing a girl I liked, and I wished to keep her. All men do this. But you cursed me and the curse remains.” He is holding the terrifying necklace. Now it all comes back to me. I was incensed with rage when I heard him mock me to the girl. So I cursed them with the bite of a shark that leaves blood on the surface of the waters. I fall on my knees.

“Forgive me,” I call. “I withdraw the curse of the shark. I will accept your gift of the Necklace of Death as retribution. Only then can I be happy in Spirit realm!”

But suddenly he burst out laughing! He is a God! He says: “Know me for the God Lono. We both have hot tempers. Because you have renounced your curse, see that the Necklace of Death is truly the Rainbow Necklace of the Middle Island of Kano! You have redeemed your Middle Self. Accept this gift!” He offers me the Necklace, not now of Death but of Rainbow Jewels.

This floating Blue Isle of Kano is indescribably beautiful with a thousand many-coloured birds singing in fruit-laden trees. I would stay here for ever – but there is a sudden storm ***** and a tsunami.

To my horror I see my brother Eri’s canoe in danger from a giant wave. I rush to his rescue. He puts his arms round my neck as I carry him swiftly to high ground beyond the waves. I intend to take him with me to a fisherman’s cottage, but he says “No, no, Uri. They are waiting for you at the Temple high upon this hill. I shall sail far away to the Western Ocean.”

My heart sinks. I wish to stay with Eri and not again to face the High White Elders. But I must face them and my father once again. So with slow steps I mount the platform and enter the Temple.

It is exactly the same as before, but the successful candidates are absent, I suppose learning the Mysteries. My father is present beside the High Priest.

To my astonishment the High Priest says: “Uri, you are the only successful candidate at our previous ceremony! The others failed and have returned to junior school. “How can this be?” I ask. “I was unworthy….”

The High Priestess smiles. “My dear daughter, you were the only candidate who told the truth!”

The High Priest explains. “All of you thought that you had given your souls as breaths into jars in this Temple. Here was your ignorance. You should have known that your essence – your souls, come from the Great Mother, and so only belong to each one of you. We teach you to discover your true selves within you!”

The High Priestess says: “We, whom you call the Gods, enlighten humanity through Dream Zones. All that you experience on earth is part of dramas you weave yourselves, inspired by our Dream-Walkers, the Aumakas. We awaken Mana, the sap from Haumea’s Tree of Life. It is the will of the Mothers that you should grow strong and true and bring love and joy to all…”

I can see the Aumakas. They are shining and kindly Spirits. One places a robe, a blue robe about me, and another places a shining gold crown upon my head. As she does this, I feel a shower of stars descending upon me. I feel Divine Spirits are drawing me to dance with the stars whirling around me in the sacred void of space. I am spreading forth wonder and inspiration to all! I see my Father as a dignified Professor, and my Mother as a Protectress of sea birds, which she always loved. Eri sails far away among the Northern stars. I shall teach Huna, our own path. Yet we are all together in Spirit. For our own earth is a hidden Isle of Kano. It is there all the time.”

End of Trance

Uri slowly returns from trance feeling blissful. We have a feast by the sea-shore, and we enjoy the evening stars as we swim in the still sea. We give thanks to the Deities.

Recommended Reading: “Ocean Mythology,” Roslyn Poignant, Hamlyn. “Children of the Rainbow”, Leinani Melville, Quest Books. 'Myths & Legends of the South Seas', “Oceanic Mythology.” “Mark Twain in Hawaii.” In the 1860’s Mutual Publishing, Honolulu.

Note: These Rites may be used for meetings of the Muses Symposium and the Arcadians.

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