St. Paul's Fundraiser a Success

Post date: Aug 4, 2012 3:38:48 AM

On Saturday, July 28, and Sunday, July 29, Misa's Fugue was screened for audiences at St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Fleetwood, PA. Audience numbers were strong on both evenings, as more than one hundred people turned out to see the film and participate in a Q & A with producers, Sean Gaston & Jennifer Goss. The fundraising effort, led by Pastor Bob Machemer (below) and his team at St. Paul's, led to $5500 being raised to further the mission of the Misa's Fugue project. The Fleetwood Rotary Club presented the producers with a $1000 check to kick off the fundraising (photo below) and Thrivent for Lutherans (Blandon Chapter) also agreed to supplement the funds with another $1000 donation.