Misa's Fugue is now on Rotten Tomatoes!!!

Post date: Oct 26, 2012 1:30:35 PM

Misa's Fugue has been listed on RottenTomatoes.com. What is Rotten Tomatoes? The websites name is derived from the ancient practice of hurdling rotten tomatoes at the screen or performer of a lousy movie or show. RottenTomatoes.com is a website devoted to reviews, information, and news about films. In the industry it is viewed as a review aggregator, a collection of film reviews for a certain film. Not only do they collect reviews from official film critics but audience members can go and write their own reviews about a film and those "audience reviews" can be seen alongside the reviews written by the major film critics all over the United States. The films then get a favorability rating. The goal is to become "Certified Fresh". We put a link to the official RottenTomatoes.com Misa's Fugue page on the left sidebar. If you have seen the film or want to see the film, please click on the button/link on the left and write an audience review of the film or click on the "want to see" button on the page.